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Q: What is the abbreviation for potential energy?
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What is the abbreviation for Gravitational Potential Energy in Active Physics?

The Abbreviation for Gravitational Potential Energy is Eg (make sure when you write the g it's sub-scripted which means you put E then put g to the right and make sure the g is just a bit below the E).

What is the abbreviation for pH?

pH is the abbreviation for "potential for Hydrogen"

Is chemical energy kinetic energy or potential energy?

It is a form of potential energy.

What form of potential energy does a person blowing a vuvuzela have?

chemical potential energy

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What is an energy form based on position above or below another point?

The form of energy that is stored in an object due to its position above or below another point is called potential energy. There are three types of potential energy which are the elastic, electric, and gravitational potential energy.

What are the two types of potential energy?

There is chemical potential energy, heat potential energy, elastic potential, and gravitational potential energy.

What are the two types of mechanical energy?

Potential energy and kinetic energy. mechanical energy is the energy of motion(kinetic energy)or the potential of motion(potential energy) so i would say-kinetic and potential energy

Why is potential energy called gravitational potential energy?

Potential energy and gravitational potential energy are different from each other ."Potential energy is the ability of a body to do work." Anddue_to_its_height.%22">"Gravitational potential energy is the ability of a body to do work due to its height."Gravitational potential energy is a type of potential energy.

Is energy potential energy or kinetic energy?


Is energy at rest potential or kinetic energy?

a energy at rest is potential energy. because kinetic energy is a energy in motion.

What is energy that is waiting called?

The energy associated with energy is known as "energy".