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A beaker or erlenmeyer flask or round bottom flask.

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a graduated test tube

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Q: What is the best piece of lab equipment for holding 50 ml of boiling water?
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What baking equipment can tell when water is boiling?

lol wow you dont need a piece of equipment to tell when water is boiling... you just watch the water as it heats up and when it starts to bubble its boiling... Ta -dah!

What equipment is used to determine the boiling point of salt water and sugar water?

A thermometer!

What has a higher boiling point alcohol or water?

Water has a higher boiling point that alcohol (ethanol). The main reason for this is because water has stronger intermolecular forces holding the molecules together.

How do you get salt from a salt and water solution?

keep boiling the water until all the water has evapotated...using lab equipment

What is the most appropriate piece of equipment to accurately measure 85 mL of water?

100mL of measuring cylinder is the most appropriate (more than beaker) piece of equipment to measure 85mL of water.

How do you collect evaporated water?

A piece of plastic over a boiling kettle will collect the steam (evaporated water) and it will condense.

Which piece of equipment do you use to extract water from canned tuna?

Tuna Press

Why is the boiling point of water lower in the mountains then it is at sea level?

The boiling point is lower because the air is thinner, and there is less pressure acting on the water. This means that you have to add less energy to counteract the forces holding the water in liquid form.

What piece of equipment might help low water levels in an aquarium?

A float valve.

What was the newly invented piece of equipment used on the challenger ship to get water samples called?

the Buchanan water sampler

Which has the higher temperature - boiling water or ice?

boiling water

What is the best piece of laboratory equipment to measure a 350 ml water?

A graduated cylinder would be the best piece of laboratory equipment to measure a 350 ml of water. It is designed with volume markings and is specifically used for accurate measurements of liquids.