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Q: What is the correct term of a light particle?
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What is a correct term for a particle of light?

a photon

What is the corm term for a light particle?


What is the current term for a light particle?

A "photon".

What is the term for the particle light that provides the energy needed for photosynthesis?

Photons is the term for the particles of light that provide the energy needed for photosynthesis.

Tiny particles of light are called what?

The theoretical particle of light is a photon. The existence of such a particle is still unknown (correct me if I am wrong).

Compare wave and particle models of light. What phenomena can only be explained by the particle model?

The photoelectric effect is a phenomena that can only be explained by the particle model.

What is the correct term for particles of light?

a photon

How do you detect if light is a particle or a wave?

Light is both a wave and a particle depending on circumstances; this is referred to as the wave-particle duality of light.

What is the correct term for the halo of light arround a comet?

The "coma".

Is light a particle?

Yes. Light has both particle and wave properties.

What is the correct term for the halo of light around a comet?

An AuraThe "Coma".

What is the correct term of the halo of light around a comet?

Metyord clompet