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Mass is a fundamental measure of inertia; it measures the resistance of the body to changes in its motion. Thus, inertia is resistance to motion changes. Whereas, momentum is mass in motion, and, is defined as the mass times the velocity. Examples. A girl (or a Baseball) has a certain mass and, therefore, inertia. She can directly feel her body's inertia as the resistance she encounters when she changes her body's momentum, such as when she: * comes to a skater's stop, digging her blades into the ice, and feeling the ice pushing against her feet and legs, as she slows. * stopped at the bottom, laboriously starts her bicycle up a steep hill. * catches a fast baseball, stinging her hands, as the ball's momentum decreases abruptly to zero.

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15y ago
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15y ago

inertia is measured in energy 1/2 mv2

momentum is measured in Kilogram metres per second Kgm/s mv

momentum can be thought of as the first derivative of kinetic energy dependent on velocity.

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13y ago

Inertia is an object's unwillingness to change its trajectory, due to the object's momentum. Consider a car going 60 miles or kilometers per hour, straight down open road. All of a sudden the driver needs to make a sudden and sharp left turn.

What must the driver do to make this sudden turn? Why?

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12y ago

Momentum is the product of mass times velocity, p=massxv.

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What is the difference between energy and momentum?

Momentum is the product of mass and velocity. Energy is the capacity of a body to do work.

What is the main difference between momentum and moment?

moment is nothing but a force but momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

Is the relationship between mass and momentum direct or inverse?

Mass is directly proportional to momentum since momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

What type of relationship exists between an objects mass and momentum?

Momentum = mass x velocity.

What is difference between momentum and force according to its formula?

Momentum p is the product of mass m and velocity v: p = mv Force is the rate of change of momentum: F = dp/dt If mass is constant, F = mass x acceleration (it can be derived using differentiation and the above formula)

What is the relationship between momentum and mass?

The more the mass, the more momentum you will need for an object to speed up more, or accelerate.

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Torque is vector energy e.g FxD and momentum is the product of mass and speed p= mv or velocity P=mV. Torque is a vector energy and Momentum is energy per unit speed, a vector or a scalar, W/c = Momentum.

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Is momentum a vector?

Momentum is a vector quantity because the definition of momentum is that it is an object's mass multiplied by velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that has direction and the mass is scalar. When you multiply a vector by a scalar, it will result in a vector quantity.

What is the difference between linear momentum and angular momentum?

angular mmtm is a cross product unlike linear momentum

Is mass inversely proportional to momentum?

Mass is proportional to momentum. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity. When mass increases, momentum increases.

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angular momentum and angular velocity