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The force will always be gravitational. In addition we might have magnetic force, and electric force.?

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Q: What is the force of attaraction between two objects in a vacuum?
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What happens in a vacuum between two objects of different masses?

There will be a gravitational force of attraction between them, but this would be the same in a vacuum as it would be in any other place.

Type of force between charged objects?

Electric Force is the force between charged objects.

Describe the relationship of electrostatic force between two charged objects?

The electrostatic force between two charged objects is inversely proportional to the distance of separation between the two objects. An Increase in the separation distance between objects decreases the force of attraction or repulsion between the objects.

What determines the force between two objects?

A push or a pull determines the force between the two objects

The smaller the distance between the objects the stronger?

... the gravitational force between them, and the electrical force if the objects are charged.

What is gravity what can determine the gravitational force between objects?

A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses

How does the gravitational force between 2 objects that have small masses compare to the gravitational force between large objects?

If the objects are the same distance apart (center to center), then the gravitational force between two less massive objects will be less than the gravitational force between two more massive objects.

What controls the force of gravity between two objects?

The mass of the two objects and the distance between them control the force of gravity between them. The equation for the force of gravity between two objects is Fg=(GMm)/R2, so if two objects are very massive, the force will be greater, and if two objects are very close the force will be greater. The force of gravity is directly related to the mass of the objects and inversely related to the distance between them.the earth

Is the force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses?

The force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses is Gravity!

What is the force opposes motion between two objects?

Friction is the force that opposes motion between two objects.

What force is the force between charged objects?

Its called electro-static force. It is inversely proportional to the distance between the 2 objects squared.

The force between charged objects is a?

electric force.