

What is the formula tf - ti?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Time interval is relative to tf - ti. "tf" stands for "final time" and "ti" stands for "initial time." It is used to find out how long it takes to get from one place to another. The full equation is "Δt = tf - ti" where delta (the triangle) represents the time interval. To make things clearer, let me use an example from my physics textbook.

Say it takes a runner one second to get to a tree, and he starts timing himself from there how long it will take him to get to a nearby lamppost. If, from the very beginning, it took him five seconds to get to the lamppost, and one second to get to the tree, it would take four seconds to get from the tree to the lamppost. The equation would look something like this: tf - ti = 5.0 s - 1.0 s = 4.0 s.

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