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4.0026 amu

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Q: What is the mass in amu of alpha particles?
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What particles has a mass of 4 amu and a charge of 2 plus?

An alpha particle, boom.

Does an alpha particle have a relative mass of 1 amu and no charge?

No, an alpha particle has a mass of 4 amu and a charge of +2. It is a helium nucleus. The neutron has a mass of 1 amu and no charge.

What is the mass number of copper?

AMU (Atomic Mass Unit) is the SI masses of particles for nucleus.

What is the unit for the mass of atomic particles?

Atomic Mass Unit (amu)

How many particles do alpha particles contain?

Beta particles have an electrical charge of -1. Beta particles have a mass of 549 millionths of one atomic mass unit, or AMU, which is about 1/2000 of the mass of a proton or neutron.

What is the mass of the 3 subatomic particles?

Neutron: Mass: 1,00866491600(43) amu. Electron: Mass: 5,4857990946(22)×10−4 amu. Proton: Mass: 1,007276466812(90) amu.

What sub-atomic particles have a mass of 1 amu?

neutrons and protonsbut NOT electrons (the almost have no mass)

Which naturally occurring radioactive particle is the largest?

Alpha particles are the same size as a helium nucleus and are made up of 2 protons and two neutrons. They have no electrons so an alpha particle has a +2 charge

Si units used for the masses of atomic particles?

The Si unit used for the masses of particles is the atomic mass unit (amu).

Alpha particles and beta particles differ in?

Alpha particles are positively charged helium nuclei while beta particle are negatively charged electrons . Alpha particle have 4u mass while beta particles have zero mass.

What does a.m.u stand for?

Atomic mass unit. Unit for mass for atoms & their sub-atomic particles. An electron is rounded to 0 amu (since its mass is less than 1 amu). A proton and a neutron are 1 amu each.

What particles consists of two protons and two neutrons?

A alpha particle that consists of two protons and two neutrons. Beta particles have a high-energy electron that comes from the nucleus, not from the electron cloud.