

What is the unit weight of fresh water?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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15y ago

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Depends on temperature but it is around 1 gm per cubic centimeter or 1 gm per milliliter. Colder = heavier and warmer = lighter.

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2mo ago

The unit weight of fresh water is approximately 62.4 pounds per cubic foot or 9.81 kilonewtons per cubic meter.

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Why does a scuba diver need more weight in the ocean than in fresh water?

A scuba diver needs more weight in the ocean than in fresh water because salt water is denser than fresh water, making it more buoyant. The additional weight helps the diver sink and maintain a neutral buoyancy underwater.

How does salt water have an effect on buoyancy?

Salt water is denser than fresh water due to the dissolved salt particles, which increases the buoyant force acting on objects. This means that objects will float higher and feel more buoyant in salt water compared to fresh water.

Would the same object as above sink or float in a container of fresh water with a density of 1.0 gmL?

The object would float in fresh water since its density is lower than that of water (1.0 g/mL). The object displaces an amount of water equal to its weight, which is less than the weight of water it displaces, causing it to float.

What is the meaning of submerged unit weight and submerged weight?

Submerged unit weight refers to the weight of soil or material per unit volume when submerged in water, taking into account buoyancy effects. Submerged weight refers to the total weight of an object or material when it is submerged in a fluid, including both its actual weight and any buoyant force acting on it.

Will ships float or sink in fresh water?

Ships will float in fresh water as long as their density is lower than that of the water they displace. This is due to Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force acting on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Related questions

How much does a gallon of fresh water weight?

The weight of fresh water is largely dependent on its temperature. A US gallon of fresh water weighs about 8.328676 pounds at 70 degrees F.

Why does a scuba diver need more weight in the ocean than in fresh water?

A scuba diver needs more weight in the ocean than in fresh water because salt water is denser than fresh water, making it more buoyant. The additional weight helps the diver sink and maintain a neutral buoyancy underwater.

What is the standard unit of fresh water?

liter(metric) gallon(customary)

How many PCF does water weigh?

Weight of Water is 63 PCF Actually, the unit weight of water is 62.4 pcf.

How does an air craft carrier float in fresh water when a penny sinks in fresh water?

aboat floats because it displaces it,s weight in water when that happens it stops sinking a penny cannot displace it,s weight in water so it sinks hope you understand

Why the egg sink in a fresh water?

An egg sinks in fresh water because its density is higher than that of water. The weight of the egg overcomes the buoyant force exerted by the water, causing it to sink.

If ship moves from fresh water to sea water then what happens?

i think it will rise slightly... according to Archimedes principle the weight of floating body is equal to water displaced by it.. and sea water has more density than fresh water and its weight will be ship will slightly rise...

What is the weight of 2 pounds of water?

The weight of 2 pounds of water is just that--2 pounds. Pound is a unit of weight (or, more formally, force).

What is molar quantity?

Molecular weight (unit) of salt dissolved in liter (unit) volume of water.

Why must dry matter be the basis for expressing results in plants analysis rather than fresh weight?

Because much of the fresh weight of plants is made up of water.

What is heavier sea or fresh water?

Salt water is typically denser than fresh water due to the higher concentration of dissolved salts. This makes seawater heavier than freshwater.

What is the unit weight of soil with a specific gravity of 2.65?

The unit weight of soil with a specific gravity of 2.65 is approximately 26.1 kN/m³. This can be calculated by multiplying the specific gravity by the unit weight of water (9.81 kN/m³).