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I'm thinking that your talking about a high tide?

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14y ago

A wash, or swash. Next time do my homework.

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Q: What is water washing onto the beach from waves called?
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Is washing the beach with its waves an alliteration?

yes it is

The zone next to the beach where waves roll in?

The narrow band of shallow water along the beach is where the waves break. This is called the surf zone.

What is a group of surfers called?

A colony when they are on the beach; a pod, school, or fleet when they are waiting in the water for waves.

How are constructive formed?

When waves of long wave length and low height approach a gently sloping beach, the ellipse becomes horizontal. When the waves break, the swash sweeps up the beach as a sheet of water often reaching the upper beach. Most of the swash soaks into the beach which means that there is very little backwash. Waves of this type are called constructive or spilling waves.

What is the sandy part of an ocean or lake called?

It`s called a beach. Lakes / Oceans also produce Sand Hills which are formed by the waves in the water and shallowness of the water level.

Water waves that you might see at the beach move in circular or elliptical paths What type of mechanical waves are water waves?

Surface wave

Water waves that you might see at the beach move in circular or elliptical paths. What type of mechanical waves are water waves?

Surface Wave

What are the waves you see need a beach called?


What are things that have to do with the beach?

Things that have to do with a beach are sand, waves, water, shells, beach towel, swim suit, beach chair. and swimmers.

What is a personification for the beach?

The sand was diamonds, glistening in the bright sun.

What are you standing on when you walk in the waves along the beach?


What is the process called when the waves repeatedly hit the beach and some of the sediment moves down the beach with the current?

Longshore Drift