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Fossil fuels are a source of chemical energy.

Chemically conbining the hydrocarbons in fossil fuels with air is combustion and primarily produces carbon dioxide and water.

(There are many more details of the chemistry of the specific fossil fuels and many other results of their combustion besides the predominant gasses of water and carbon dioxide.)

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Q: What kind of energy do you start with when burning fossil fuels?
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For what reasons is wind power better than fossil fuels?

Wind power does not harm the envoirment no fossil fuels are burned in the making of energy with wind power = ] i think haha __________ They are non-polluting, renewable and efficient. Not only does the use of renewable energy sources help reduce global carbon dioxide emissions, but they also add some much-needed flexibility to the energy resource mix by decreasing our dependence on limited reserves of fossil fuels. The wind turbines can effectively generate energy as electricity for free as long as the wind is available. The wind is free and renewable, which gives an advantage compared to the contaminating fossil fuel that have already done damage to the earth's ecology. Wind turbines will also start to make a profit if used commercially. Unlike fossil fuels, after you've paid for the turbine they start to make energy which can be sold on to the nation grid for example. In time the amount paid for the turbine would have been recovered and then you're making money using the free energy of the wind. Cool!

What are the nonrenewable fuels start with the sun as there primary source of energy?

all nonrenewable fuels can be traced back to the sun as a primary energy source

Why do you need renewable energy resources?

Renewable energy is very helpful in terms of long-term planning. It doesn't run out, unlike non-renewable sources such as petroleum (there is only so much oil in those oil wells). It also creates much less pollution. So, since our world faces serious environmental problems which may become much more serious, renewable energy has become very important.

What are the processes by which an electric circuit can transfer energy to its surroundings?

emit heat emit light start a chemical reaction like say burning someone charge a substance with energy like a battery move something by turning to kinetic energy ... that's it for me :)

If renewable energy resources can be replaced why do we need to conserve them?

The wind and the sun and moving waters are all renewable energy sources. We really do not have to conserve them.At present much of our electricity is generated from fossil fuels, producing extra carbon dioxide emissions and causing global warming and climate change, so it is important to conserve electricity. Conserving electricity will reduce these harmful emissions.When all our energy is produced from renewable sources and we are no longer burning fossil fuels (some time in the future), then electricity will be cheaper (or completely free), and conserving electricity will not be as important.

Related questions

Why is a spark of energy needed to begin the chemical reaction of burning fossil fuels?

You need to get the reaction above its activation energy before it will start.

What energy is not renewable?

I think there is a law of conservation of energy that says: 'energy cannot be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another.' So no energy could be 'created within 100 years'

What are the benefits and limitations of fossil fuels?

Benefits: Mostly everything we use in the world needs fossil fuels. Gasoline for cars, energy for light, etc. The world has used it for many years and is still using it.Limitations: Fossil fuels will run out eventually, so if we do not start using renewable energy we could be in BIG trouble! Fossil fuels also harm the planet. It adds too much carbon dioxide to the ozone. Fossil fuels also harm the plants and animals in the planet too.

Why should you reduce your dependence on fossil fuel?

Burning fossil fuels adds Carbon Dioxide and other chemicals into the atmosphere and when that happens the earths atmospheres heats up and then temperatures rise, which will start to kill the plants and animals on our planet

Why is it dangerous for the country to be depend on fossil fuels?

because fossil fuels may finish after a certain time and then the county will have to start all over again and find other energy sources and this may heavily affect the people over the country as they might not get to use them for sometime

What are all of the different types of fossil fuels that start with o?


What actions should be taken against global warming?

Stop burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas)Start using renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro etc)Stop deforestation (cutting down forests)Start afforestation (planting forests)It's as easy as that. Just get it all passed into law.

You can reduce your fossil fuels by developing?

You can reduce the usage of fossil fuels by developing alternative energies. Some options are solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic energy, geothermal energy, and several others more. While some progress has been made, a lot has to be done yet - we depend way too much on fossil fuels. Another thing that should be done is to reduce energy usage in general. For a start, see if you have the old-fashioned incandescent bulbs, and change them for energy-saving fluorescent bulbs. That way you not only do the planet a favor, but you also do a favor to your budget, since you do pay for the energy the light bulbs consume.

Why do you run out of fossil fuels quickly?

Because fossil fuels are made of dead plants and animals and it takes millions of years to form and we use them to much and fast and we start to run out

Does all the energy start out as chemical energy?

No, our energy sources started from the sun (nuclear fusion) which made vegetation grow which turned into fossil fuels, or from stellar events which formed uranium. Then there are energy sources like wind, wave, and tidal, that are driven by the sun's energy, and direct solar energy. When we use fossil fuels, we are using a chemical reaction to release the energy contained in the fuel, but the original formation of the fossil fuel was driven by the sun. Energy from uranium is not chemical at all. Hydro power also depends on rainfall as the source of the energy, and that is caused by the sun's effect on the weather.

How many years ago was it when there was no global warming?

250 years ago we seriously began burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). This was the start of the Industrial Revolution, and the beginning of Global warming.

What did rubbish do to start global warming?

Rubbish did not start global warming. Global warming began when we discovered and began burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), which releases the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2). Fortunately, the burning of rubbish doesn't really occur and hasn't for decades.