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All objects can experience heat flow, or heat transfer. You have conduction where heat is transferred from an outside source and into another molecule to molecule, by the two objects touching (ice into a glass of water, a pot set onto a hot element). Radiation is very similar but the two sources do not touch, this is how the sun heats the Earth! Also humans radiate their own body heat from blood flow and internal movement. The last is convection, this is like a convection oven and works the same way as clouds are formed. Simply put hot air rises, cool air falls, and these two meet in the middle heat and cool each other and create a type of spiral or pathway because of it, effectively trapping heat to the surface (so a blanket over a body or a convection oven).

If by 'heat flow' you mean the radiation form of heat, so heat flows without physical touch from one source to another, then any form of object that has the potential to radiate or to absorb radiation heat experiences this. Earth radiates heat, as does the sun, and every living thing.

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When both temperatures are the same, heat does NOT flow between objects.

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Technically the answer to your question is no. Heat does indeed flow between objects, but cold does not because it doesn't really physically exist. "Cold" is just a lower level of heat.

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The mechanisms to transfer heat are conduction, convection, and radiation. Heat will naturally flow from hotter to colder objects.

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Heat is the flow of thermal energy from one object to another. Heat always moves from warm objects to cool objects, not cool objects to warm objects.

How long does heat flow?

Until the objects touching have equal temperatures.

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Heat will naturally flow from hotter to colder objects.

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How long does the heat energy flow?

Until the objects touching have equal temperatures.