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solid and gas differ from each other simply because their atoms are differrent in composition.Atoms of a solid is compacted to each other.While the atoms of a gas are far apart from ech other sothat it can move freely. Dominique Odencia

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Q: What makes solid liquid and gas differ with one another?
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What makes a liquid a solid?

a loss in energy cause the change from liquid to solid like-wise a rise in energy causes a change from solid to liquid.

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one solid is a ball and another is a ice and a liquid is water or juice.

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solid it is actually a liquid and a solid. I do not know the precise name.

What makes a gas a gas and its not a liquid or a solid?

the particles bounce all over unlike a liquid or solid

How do water's relative densities as a solid and a liquid differ from that of most substances?

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How does a solid differ from a liquid phase on the molecular level?

it puts its had in the a motor then tucks it out

What characteristics do solutions have?

A solution is a homogeneous mixture that can be a liquid,solid, or gas depending on the solvent's state. It also has a solute that makes it up also. The various types of solutions are gas in gas, gas in liquid, liquid in liquid, solid in liquid, liquid in solid and solid in solid.

Dissolving a solid liquid or gas in another substance produces a an?

When a solid, liquid , or gas is dissolved in another substance, the result is a solution.

How do the properties of a gas differ from the properties of a liquid or solid?

they differ from their molecules when gas molecules have lots of energy ,liquid has less energy, and gas has the smallest amount of energy.