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Many properties of electronmagnetic waves can be explained by a wave model. However, some properties can be explained by a particle model.

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Q: What models explain the behavior of electromagnetic waves?
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What two models explain the properties of electromagnetic waves?

The wave model of light and the particle model of light.

What does contrast electromagnetic waves with water and sound waves mean?

It means explain how electromagnetic waves are different than water and sound waves.

Light travels through space as electromagnetic what?

exhibits wavelike behavior

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Electromagnetic waves

Who invented electromagnetic waves?

Heirich Hertz. Maxwell theorized that light and electricity were the same based on the speed of electric waves and light waves. Hertz actually created the electromagnetic waves and demonstrated their light like behavior. This demonstration confirmed Maxwell's prediction.

What electromagnetic waves have a wavelength shorter that a single water molecule?

Your comparison attempt is confusing. Water molecules don't have 'waves' by themselves. The ocean has waves, H2O does not. We use the behavior of ocean and sound waves to determine the behavior and makeup of light waves. Humans can only see a portion of the existing electromagnetic spectrum. X-rays and Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths. Radio waves have the longest.

How are electromagnetic waves different to radio waves?

Radio waves ARE electromagnetic waves.

Who devised the set of four equations that explain the propagation of electromagnetic waves?

James Clerk-Maxwell did.

How are electromagnetic waves transfered?

Electromagnetic waves are transferred by electromagnetic radiation.

What is the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves?

first of all electromagnetic waves are energy waves. and we call electromagnetic waves RADIATION.