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In a PWR the reactor's circulating water (the primary circuit) goes through steam raising units where it gives up heat to the secondary water circuit and produces steam there which goes to the turbine. In a BWR the reactor produces a mixture of steam and water, the steam is separated and goes to the turbine where it is eventually cooled in the turbine condenser.

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Q: What removes excess heat from the reactor's circulating water system?
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What caused the nuclear reactors to explode?

The nuclear reactors did not explode. The problem was that the cooling system failed, and they overheated. Some water got so hot that it split into hydrogen and oxygen, and the hydrogen burned in the oxygen, which cause it to "pop"

How would you build a mini nuclear reactor?

Small reactors for research, teaching, or radio-isotope production are usually open pool type reactors, with no electric output. You can read about these in the link below. The smaller power reactors are those built into submarines and other naval ships, these are small versions of PWR. No small reactors of this type are built for use in civilian plants as far as I know, but it would be possible to do so for an isolated community without a connection to the national grid system. The difficulty would be in licensing and ensuring suitable trained operating staff in such a location.

Why is a cooling system necessary in a nuclear reactor?

very low power experimental reactors need no cooling system (e.g. CP-1 built as part of the Manhattan Project had a maximum power of half a watt and was entirely self cooling, it never even got noticeably warm at any time)some experimental reactors have been deliberately built without a cooling system to aid in studying the effects of reactor meltdown, etc. (unfortunately these were also built without any containment facility, to aid in data collection and caused significant downwind contamination)reactors designed for power production require a cooling system both to remove heat from the core as it is generated (thus preventing a meltdown) and to move that heat to the power generation building where it is used to make steam to turn the turbines that turn the generators that make the electricityreactors designed for plutonium production require a cooling system only to remove heat from the core as it is generated (thus preventing a meltdown)reactors designed for medical (and other) isotope production require a cooling system only to remove heat from the core as it is generated (thus preventing a meltdown)reactors designed for direct nuclear propulsion systems(e.g. jet engine, rocket engine) require a cooling system both to remove heat from the core (thus preventing a meltdown in flight) and to heat their working fluid (e.g. air, hydrogen gas; respectively) prior to expelling it through the exhaust nozzle to generate thrust to move the vehicleetc.

How many nuclear reactors would Australia need to supply all of its power?

I don't know the total installed capacity in Australia, but with a population of about 20 million, if we assume 1 kw per person, this gives 20,000 Mw. The largest power reactors are now about 1,500 Mw, so this would need about 13 to 14 reactors. In an all nuclear system though you would need extra plants to cover refuelling outages and unexpected down time due to faults, so I should think about 18 in total. If the installed capacity is different to what I have assumed, adjust accordingly.

What area of technology might be associated with nuclear energy?

The area of technology associated with nuclear energy is nuclear technology. Forms of nuclear technology include nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.

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The excretory system removes excess sugar and impurities from the blood.

What does the excretory system work to do?

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removes unwanted or excess wastes in body and out as your urine.

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nitrogenous wastes,excess water

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The 'single-sided' Lymphatic Drainage System is also sometimes known as 'The Lymph".

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reactors are used for limit short cicuit current in power system.

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What is the system that removes waste?

The excretory system removes waste. This system includes the urinary, integumentary, respiratory, and digestive systems.