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Since power is defined as energy/time, if you solve for energy, you get:

energy = power x time

If the time is in seconds and the power in watts, the energy is in joules.

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Q: What thermal energy is supplied by the heater in 10swhen the power is 1440w?
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What is the total energy supplied to the patio heater?

It depends upon the wattage of the heater.

What type of energy does a heater convert?

It converts electric energy to thermal energy

What are the example of thermal energy or internal energy?

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Why is an electric heater rated at 100 efficiency?

Because all the electrical energy supplied to the heater is emitted as heat. There is no other way for the energy to escape.

Why is an electric heater rated at 100 percent efficiency?

Because all the electrical energy supplied to the heater is emitted as heat. There is no other way for the energy to escape.

How do you use thermal energy in every day life?

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What is an example of converting electrical energy to thermal energy?

Example is ,an electrical heater connected to a main switch and the heater is placed in a bucket filled with water.

What is the examples of electrical energy to thermal energy?

An electric heater ( the only known 100% efficient device ).

Is a heater thermal or mechanical energy?

A heater is a machine that converts electrical chemical energy into thermal energy. Energy can not be created nor destroyed, only tranferred from one form into another. this is why in most heaters some of the chemical energy used is also transferred into some waste energies, eg: Light energy

What are examples of thermal energy?

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What are thermal energy examples?

a volcano a rice sock and an electric heater(forgot the "n" in "an")

Is electric energy converted to heat energy or light energy?

Yes, electrical energy can be changed into thermal (heat) energy. Light is electromagnetic energy, and electricity can be changed into light energy. We know that a resistance heater changes electrical energy into thermal energy. An electric range does this, as does an electric space heater. We see electrical energy changed into light in fluorescent lights.