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Change in position and change in time

velocity= delta displacement/delta time

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1mo ago

To find an object's velocity, you need to know its displacement (change in position) and the time it took for that displacement to occur. Velocity is calculated by dividing the displacement by the time taken.

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Q: What two things do you need to find an objects velocity?
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What do you need know to find an objects velocity?

The distance it travels in a caertain amount of time as well as the direction

Anya knows the velocity of an object. What else does she need to know in order to find the objects momentum?

The mass of the object.

What two things do you need for velocity?

The 2 things are speed and distance.

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To find an object's acceleration, you need its initial velocity, final velocity, and the time it takes to change from the initial velocity to the final velocity. The formula for acceleration is (final velocity - initial velocity) / time elapsed.

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No, the momentum of an object is determined by both its mass and velocity. Since the objects have different masses, they will have different momentums even if they are falling freely.

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What to Things do you need to know to describe the velocity of an object?

velocity is what is known as a vector quantity. What this means is it needs both a DIRECTION and a MAGNITUDE for the velocity to be fully described. that's what you need.

How do you find the velocity at 15 km hr?

To find the velocity, you need to specify a direction. If you just need the speed, the velocity is 15 km/hr. If you need the velocity including direction, you need to provide information about the direction (e.g., north, east, etc.).

What three things do you need to now to describe the velocity of an object?

To describe the velocity of an object, you need to know its speed (magnitude of velocity), direction of motion, and reference point for measuring the motion.

How do you find velocity when given the time and mass?

You can't. The mass is irrelevant to velocity. You need the distance.

What two things do you need to know to describe the velocity o an object?

To describe the velocity of an object, you need to know its speed (magnitude of the velocity) and its direction of motion. Velocity is a vector quantity that combines both speed and direction.