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water under pressure increases its boiling point as the pressure decreases it will expand by boiling, thus shooting out a geyser

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Q: What type of energy is produced by hot water geyser pressure?
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Hot Water- Geyser - Pressure all are what type of energy?

the answer is that yes it does and it is really true

How is a geyser an example of geothermal energy?

The heat from the geothermal energy boils water that is underground. if it has enough pressure the water comes up to the Earth's surface.

How do you balance the pressure of your geyser?

The pressure of a geyser can be altered from its controls. High pressure can be selected if someone wants the water jets to rise higher.

What is the purpose of geyser pressure valve?

The purpose of a pressure relief valve in a geyser is to release the pressure created inside due to evaporation of water.

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What is geyser and when does it occur?

The geyser occurs when pressure builds up underground and forces a blast of steam and water

How long does it take to get hot water out of your hot tap and how much water does it use to achieve that?

There is no "one" specific answer to this as it depends if it comes from an "on demand geyser", "gravity fed geyser" or "high pressure geyser" and the distance between the geyser and the tap

Why does a geyser shoot up water?

It is because of the pressure below the earth.

Why is water not coming form outlet of geyser?

If water is not coming from outlet of geyser, it might be because faulty geyser or because it was badly installed. The problem can be leaking water through the ceiling or somewhere. Another reason can be insufficient hot water pressure.

How do gysers work?

The water underneath the earth comes from an underground volcano that has water in it and then the water commes bursting out of the ground at a high speed and the waters temperature is more than a oven at its highest degree. In a bit more detail. The process begins as water migrates to the geyser's plumbing system through fissures in ground. Since the plumbing system is miles deep, the water at the bottom of the geyser's plumbing is under incredible pressure from the water above it. Think of the entire system as a giant pressure cooker. Water starts to churn and bubbles of air begin to surface. If more pressure pushes down on the water, water needs more and more energy (in the form of heat) to overcome that pressure and start pushing bubbles to the surface. This explains why water inside a pressure cooker can reach temperatures of more than 125 degrees Celsius (257 degrees Fahrenheit), while the boiling point of water at standard pressure is only 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). As the magma at the base of the geyser transfers heat throughout the system, more energy gets trapped in the water. Eventually, pockets of water begin to reach their boiling point and become turbulent. This turbulence pushes a relatively small quantity of water out of the opening of the geyser, decreasing the amount of pressure on the water remaining in the geyser. With this sudden pressure drop (and corresponding drop in boiling point), the water in the geyser flashes into steam. The steam quickly expands to 1,500 times the volume of water and this expansion violently pushes water and steam from the mouth of the geyser in an eruption. These eruptions last as long as the water in the geyser remains hot enough to push water out of the geyser opening. Eventually, the entire system will either run out of water or the water will cool down enough for the eruption to stop. The cycle, of course, starts all over again.

What is the difference between a volcano and a geyser?

A volcano shoots lava, rocks, dust and gases out where as a geyser shoots out hot water from extreme pressure.

Does the diameter of a hose effect THE SPEED of water in a siphon?

No it does not, siphonage is due to inbalanced pressure or incorrect atmospheric pressure in a geyser