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Light spectrum is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Electromagnetic

waves travel better and faster (light speed in vacuum) in vacuum.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Electromagnetic waves, including visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet radiation, can travel through a vacuum without the need for a medium to propagate.

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βˆ™ 16y ago


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Q: What type of light waves can travel through a vacuum?
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Can gases travel through a vacuum?

No. Only light waves can travel through a vacuum.

Can electormagnetic waves travel through a vacuum?

Yes, electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum because they do not require a medium to propagate. Examples of electromagnetic waves that can travel through a vacuum include visible light, radio waves, and X-rays.

What is the nature of light and electromagnetic waves?

they are transverse waves, they can travel through a vacuum,

Is light an example of mechanical wave?

No, light is not a mechanical waveβ€”it is an electromagnetic wave. Mechanical waves require a medium, such as air or water, to propagate, whereas electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum.

Do light waves need to move through a medium?

No, light waves can travel through a vacuum because they are electromagnetic waves. In a vacuum, there are no particles for the waves to interact with, so they can propagate freely.

Can light travel in a vacuum?

Yes, light can travel in a vacuum. Light is composed of particles called photons, which do not require a medium to propagate. This is why light from the sun can reach Earth through the vacuum of space.

It is possible for an electromagnetic wave to travel through a vacuum?

yes, they can travel.

What type of waves can be transmitted in a vacuum?

Electromagnetic waves, such as light waves and radio waves, can be transmitted in a vacuum because they do not require a medium to travel through. These waves propagate through the vacuum of space and can travel long distances without the need for a medium.

Will a light wave travel through a vacuum?

Yes, light can travel through a vacuum because it consists of electromagnetic waves that do not require a medium to propagate through. This is why light from the sun and other stars can reach us despite the vacuum of space.

Why do light waves require a medium in which to travel?

Light waves do not require a medium to travel through, as they can propagate in a vacuum. This is a key principle of modern physics, known as the theory of electromagnetic waves developed by James Clerk Maxwell. Unlike mechanical waves (such as sound waves), electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space.

Which waves travel through vacuum?

Electromagnetic waves, such as light, radio waves, and x-rays, can travel through a vacuum because they do not require a medium to propagate. These waves consist of changing electric and magnetic fields that can travel through empty space.

Why are light waves are able to travel through vacuum?

Light waves are able to travel through vacuum because they are electromagnetic waves, which do not require a medium to propagate. The absence of particles in a vacuum allows light waves to travel without scattering or being absorbed by any medium.