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The triple-alpha process involves the fusion of two helium-4 nuclei to form a beryllium-8 nucleus, which then fuses with another helium-4 nucleus to produce carbon-12. Beryllium-8 is unstable and decays pretty fast. Okay, really fast: the half-life is about 10-17 seconds. The "unlikely" part comes from the fact that the second fusion needs to happen before the beryllium can decay back into two alpha particles. This doesn't happen to any appreciable degree until the temperature hits a hundred million Kelvin or so.

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Q: What unlikely fusion takes place in stars that produces carbon?
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Nuclear fusion of Hydrogen to Helium is what produces the Sun's Energy. this takes place in the core. Later when it becomes a Red Giant it will fuse Helium to Carbon

What unlikely fusion takes place in the stars that produces carbon?

Formation of the carbon atomic nucleus requires a three way collision of helium nuclei (alpha particles within the core of a giant or supergiant star. These three helium nuclei are converted into carbon by means of the triple-alpha process. [See link] This carbon is then scattered into space when the star explodes as a supernova. For smaller stars the Bethe-Weizsäcker-cycle or CNO cycle (carbon-nitrogen-oxygen) [See link] , is one of two sets of fusion reactions by which stars convert hydrogen to helium. In the CNO cycle, four protons fuse using carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotopes as a catalyst to produce one alpha particle, two positrons and two electron neutrinos. The carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotopes are in effect one nucleus that goes through a number of transformations in an endless loop.

What happens to a star when the outward force of fusion is less than the inward force?

the star collapses in on itself, and usually when the fusion stops it is in the last stages of its life as a giant or supergiant and forms a white dwarf made of the carbon left over from the second stage of helium to carbon fusion from the core of the star that takes place after the hydrogen to helium fusion. after the white dwarf is formed it will eventually cool off into a black dwarf which is basically a carbon corpse of a star

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This is an oxidation reaction as combustion (burning).

In what part of the sun does fusion takes place?

Fusion takes place in the core of the sun.

What fusion takes place in the center of the sun?

Nuclear Fusion

What is thermonuclear fusion takes place?

It simply means that thermonuclear fusion happens.

Can fusion take place in the nucleus of a uranium atom?

Not fusion, but a fission reaction.

What is the main type of fusion taking place in the sun?

Nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes take place to form helium.

Where does nuclear fusion occur in a nuclear plant?

No place, we have not yet determined how to make a fusion reactor. Only fusion bombs.

Why doesn't nuclear fusion take place in a white dwarf?

White dwarfs are too cool for nuclear fusion to take place.

What is the site of nuclear fusion on the sun?

If you are asking where does solar nuclear fusion take place, then that would be at the core of stars.