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You need to frame your question better.

A movinng object will not change momentum unless a force acts upon it.

A force could be supplied by many things including a collision, gravity, friction

What evr happens, energy will be conserved. If friction through air reduces a body's momentum, then the momentum of the of the body will be transfered to momentum of the air particles (which is ultimately seen as heat, and is infact an increase in speed and hence momentum of the molecules

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If an object stops moving without any collisions, its momentum will become zero since momentum is a product of an object's mass and velocity. When velocity becomes zero, the momentum is also zero.

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Q: What will happen to the momentum of a moving object if stops without any collision?
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What happen when a moving object with momentum collides?

When a moving object with momentum collides with another object, the total momentum of the objects before the collision is conserved. Depending on the type of collision, momentum can be transferred between the objects. In an elastic collision, kinetic energy is also conserved, while in an inelastic collision, some energy is transformed into other forms, such as heat or sound.

Suppose a train car in moving down the track at 10ms hits another train car that is not moving explain how momentum is conserved after the collision?

Conservation of Momentum:The total momentum in a closed or isolated system remains constant. If the two trains are moving as one after the collision, and were the same mass M each, the total momentum before and after the collision would be the same, ccording to the law. Before the collision, the momentum (velocity times mass) was 10 x M units (one train) which must now be the same but applied to two trains (2M) moving as one body. The Conservation of Momentum rule, will tell you that the new moving body, being twice the mass, would be moving half the velocity to conserve the momentum from before the collision.

When moving freight car collides with an identical one that is at rest. If momentum is conserved what happens to the second car after the collision?

If momentum is conserved, the second car will start moving in the opposite direction with the same speed and momentum as the first car after the collision. This is due to the principle of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant before and after a collision.

A more massive marble collides with less massive one that is not moving the total momentum after the cllision is equal to?

The total momentum after the collision is equal to the total momentum before the collision in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum. This means that the sum of the momentum of the more massive and less massive marbles before the collision will be equal to the sum of their momentums after the collision.

A moving bumper car hits the back bumper of a stationary bumper car The momentum of the stationary car increases Which happens to the momentum of the moving bumper car?

The momentum of the moving bumper car decreases because some of its momentum is transferred to the stationary bumper car during the collision. According to the law of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of the system (both cars) remains the same before and after the collision.

Related questions

What happen when a moving object with momentum collides?

When a moving object with momentum collides with another object, the total momentum of the objects before the collision is conserved. Depending on the type of collision, momentum can be transferred between the objects. In an elastic collision, kinetic energy is also conserved, while in an inelastic collision, some energy is transformed into other forms, such as heat or sound.

If a moving ball rolls into a stationary ball the total momentum of both balls after the collision will be?

conserved. The total momentum of the system before the collision will be equal to the total momentum of the system after the collision, assuming no external forces act on the system.

Suppose a train car in moving down the track at 10ms hits another train car that is not moving explain how momentum is conserved after the collision?

Conservation of Momentum:The total momentum in a closed or isolated system remains constant. If the two trains are moving as one after the collision, and were the same mass M each, the total momentum before and after the collision would be the same, ccording to the law. Before the collision, the momentum (velocity times mass) was 10 x M units (one train) which must now be the same but applied to two trains (2M) moving as one body. The Conservation of Momentum rule, will tell you that the new moving body, being twice the mass, would be moving half the velocity to conserve the momentum from before the collision.

When moving freight car collides with an identical one that is at rest. If momentum is conserved what happens to the second car after the collision?

If momentum is conserved, the second car will start moving in the opposite direction with the same speed and momentum as the first car after the collision. This is due to the principle of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant before and after a collision.

A more massive marble collides with less massive one that is not moving the total momentum after the cllision is equal to?

The total momentum after the collision is equal to the total momentum before the collision in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum. This means that the sum of the momentum of the more massive and less massive marbles before the collision will be equal to the sum of their momentums after the collision.

A moving bumper car hits the back bumper of a stationary bumper car The momentum of the stationary car increases Which happens to the momentum of the moving bumper car?

The momentum of the moving bumper car decreases because some of its momentum is transferred to the stationary bumper car during the collision. According to the law of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of the system (both cars) remains the same before and after the collision.

Two balls of masses 500gram and 200 gram are moving at valocities 4m s and 8m s respectively on collision they stick together find the velocity af the system after collision?

To find the velocity of the system after the collision, we can use the principle of conservation of momentum. The total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. Total momentum before collision = (mass1 * velocity1) + (mass2 * velocity2) Total momentum after collision = (mass_system * velocity_final) Using these equations, you can calculate the final velocity of the system after the collision.

Is momentum lost equals to momentum gained?

According to the law of conservation of momentum, momentum is conserved in a closed system, which means that the total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. Therefore, in a closed system, momentum lost by one object is equal to the momentum gained by another object.

If two toy cars of the same mass are moving from the opposite directions will they collide at a half way point and what will happen after the collision?

Yes, if two toy cars of the same mass are moving towards each other, they will collide at the halfway point. After the collision, their velocities will change according to the principles of conservation of momentum and kinetic energy. The cars will bounce off each other in opposite directions, with the total momentum remaining the same before and after the collision.

A 10kg cart is moving at 5ms collides with a 5kg cart at rest and Causes it move 10ms What principle explain the result?

The principle of conservation of momentum explains this result. The total momentum of the system before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. In this case, the momentum gained by the 5kg cart moving at 10 m/s is equal to the momentum lost by the 10kg cart, resulting in a balanced conservation of momentum.

A kg ball with a velocity of 5 sec hits another kg ball that is stationary.what is the momentum of each ball before the collision?

The momentum of the moving ball before the collision is 5 kg m/s (mass x velocity). The stationary ball has a momentum of 0 kg m/s because it is not moving.

In an isolated system two cars each with a mass of 1500 kg collide. Car 1 is initially at rest while Car 2 was moving at 5 ms. What is their combined momentum after the collision?

Law of Conservation of Momentum: The total momentum after the collision is equal to the total momentum before the collission.