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1, when it frozen it obserbe the impact so it reduces the bounce affect. It's Newtons 3rd Law.

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Q: When a hockey puck is frozen why does it bounce less?
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How is the motion of a hockey puck on ice different from the motion of a hockey puck on the street interms of forces?

On the ice, a hockey puck is pushing against much less surface friction, so it will slide with relative ease. On the street, a puck is forced to push against the pavement which it cannot do very well causing it to either stop or bounce across the surface.

Why the tennis ball is faster as hockey puck?

because the tennis has more bounce in it your welcome

What is the difference between a frozen hockey puck and a regular hockey puck?

The temperature of any object does not change its weight. This is discussed in the ccientific principle called the "Law of Conservation of Mass". The puck will be harder and slightly smaller when frozen.

Why is a hockey puck bounce resistant?

The puck is not bounce resistant, but bouncing is controlled because they freeze them prior to-and during the games. A warm (or room temperature) puck will bounce as it is rubber, however, once frozen, rubber loses its tendency to bounce. According to Rule 24 concerning pucks in the NHL rulebook: "The home Team shall be responsible for providing an adequate supply of official pucks which shall be kept in a frozen condition. This supply of pucks shall be kept at the penalty bench under the control of one of the regular Off-Ice Officials or a special attendant."

Was the first hockey puck a frozen meat patty?

No. It was actually a tennis ball. The first "puck" was a ball with the top and bottom chopped off.

Why do they freeze hockey pucks?

So it moves better and is slick on the ice. While freezing the puck may help a little with movement on the ice, the actual purpose for freezing is to reduce the bounce. Warm pucks have a surprising amount of bounce that will affect face-off drops, and players' overall ability to handle the puck.

Why do they use pucks in hockey?

A hard rubber ball, even when frozen, has too much bounce in it and tends to fly off out of the rink too much. The flat sides of the puck make it much easier to keep in the rink.

Is it true that one reason that Hockey pucks are frozen is to prevent more severe injury if it hits a playerperson?

No, it is so that the puck slides better on the ice. Since the puck becomes harder it would probably do more injury, not less.

What game the puck is used?

a puck

What is the thing that you hit in hockey called?

A hockey puck

What is important about hockey?

THE PUCK, you play hockey to get the puck.

A sentence for friction?

If it weren't for friction, the hockey puck would have slid forever on the huge frozen pond.