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The Doppler Effect

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Q: When a wave source is moving toward or away from an object the wavelength changes a phenomenon known as the?
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Related questions

What is the wavelength of a 300 gram object moving at a velocity of about 100 mph?

The mass and velocity of an object do not determine its wavelength: it could be travelling in a straight line!

How do astronomers determine the speed at which a galaxy is moving?

By examining its spectrum, and identifying absorption lines in it. Lines are shifted toward shorter wavelength if the object is moving towards us. They're shifted toward longer wavelength if the object is moving away from us.

What are 4 effects of forces?

Its effect are:- Changes the of position object Changes the of direction object Changes the of dimension object Changes the of speed object -Thunder

What does the blue shift in the spectrum of light from an object indicate the object is moving?

A blue shift in the spectrum of light from an object would indicate that the object is moving towards the observer. The blue shift indicates that the object is under centripetal force. The object may not be moving toward the center if it is balanced by centrifugal force (repulsion) from the center.

What does redshifts indicate to astronomers?

The object is moving away from the observer.

What happens when a moving object speeds up slows down or changes directions is it acelleration?

what happens when a moving object speeds up,slows down,or changes direction?

A spectral line that appears at a wavelength of 321 nm in the laboratory appears at a wavelength of 328 nm in the spectrum of a distant obect we say that the object's spectrum is?

A spectral line that appears at a wavelength of 321 nm in the laboratory appears at a wavelength of 328 nm in the spectrum of a distant object. We say that the object's spectrum is red shifted.

Resolution decreases as the amount of light coming in on the object increases?

Changes in resolution with wavelength (light microscope) ... power improves as the wavelength of the illuminating light decreases. ...

How do you know if a object is movig ing?

we can say an object is moving if it changes it constant environmnent or background

What changes when you change the mass of a moving object?

Quantities which depend on the mass of an object are its momentum, and kinetic energy.Both change if the mass changes. In addition, if the object's volume doesn't change,then its density also changes.

How does a red shift from a blue shift?

A red shift shows us that a object is moving away, while a blue shift shows us an object is moving toward us. Light that has been 'red shifted' has a longer wavelength when it reaches our eyes/telescopes/etc. than it had when it left the object. Light that has been 'blue shifted' now has a shorter wavelength. The reason stretching the wavelength is known as 'red shifting' is that, in the visible spectrum, red light has the longest wavelength. Blue light has a much shorter wavelength than red so when the wavelength is compressed, we call it blue shifting.

What will happen to an object wavelength as the object move toward you?

The wavelength will be shorter!