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The speed the wave is traveling through space

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When describing waves wavelength refers to the waves?


What is zig zag motion?

Zigzag motion refers to the sharp angles that waves make when travelling called zigzag.

What is the definition of bank scouring erosion?

It refers to waves and water motion that erode river banks.

If the bug in the demonstration moves forward does the speed of the waves change. What does change?

The speed of the wave stays same but the frequency change due to motion.

When Waves are moving from one medium to another do they change speed?

Yes, WAVE motion is slowed by the higher Density of the Medium.

A wave in which the motion of the material is perpendicular to the motion of the wave is?

Transverse waves . Eg , sea waves .

What type of waves occur when the motion of the medium is parallel to the direction of the wave?

Longitudinal waves occur where the motion of the medium is parallel to the waves.

What waves have a motion that is similar to that of ocean waves?

All transverse waves do.

The motion of these waves is similar to that of ocean waves?


What waves occurs when the motion of the medium is parallel to the direction of the waves?

amplitude Longitudinal waves occurs when the motion of the medium. This is parallel to the direction of the wave.

How does this motion relate to wave motion?

because motion is moving and wave motion has waves

What is seismic shaking-?

"Seismic" refers to an earthquake, so seismic shaking is the shaking motion of the earth (and things on it) caused by an earthquake. There are different waves that emanate from the hypocenter, or point of origin.