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Right before it hits the ground and right after it bounces back up.

Potential energy is "stored energy;" the the energy of a body or a system with respect to the position of the body or the arrangement of the particles of the system. If an object is moving very fact, it has kinetic energy, but if an object is in a position where it has the potential to move fast but isn't moving or moving very slowly, the object has a lot of potential energy. A bouncy ball has a parabolic pattern (Like an upside-down U) of movement as it bounces. At the top of the parabola- when the bouncy ball is highest in the air- it has the highest potential energy because it is not moving for that instant, but has the capacity to do so. as it moves downwards, it loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy. By the time it is about to hit the ground, it has the greatest kinetic energy because it gains momentum, and the least potential energy. As the ball bounces back up, it loses momentum, so it is losing kinetic energy and gaining potential energy. A bouncy ball has the least potential energy right before it hits the ground and right after it begins bouncing back up.

There is also an exchange of kinetic and potential energy as the ball hits the ground. Elastic energy is the potential mechanical energy stored in the configuration of a material or physical system as work is performed to distort its volume or shape. So, the kinetic gravitational energy (because gravity is doing the work) changes to elastic potential energy (it is not moving in any way for an instant, but has the potential to move in the sense of being squished down), and as the energy is being used to distort the shape of the ball, elastic kinetic energy. As the ball has been distorted to its maximum extent, it has more potential energy, which is transferred to kinetic as the ball first changes back to its original shape, elastic kinetic energy, and then bounces back up, when it begins to lose its kinetic energy again.

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Q: When does a bouncy ball has least potential energy?
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What form of energy does a bouncy ball have?

The form of energy a bouncy has is, sound energy,elastic energy,and gravitational energy.

Consider al bouncing ball were would the ball have least gravitationl energy?

gravitational energy is the same as potential and kinetic energy. When the ball is further from the surface of the earth it will have the most potential energy and when the ball gets closer to the surface of the earth that potential energy turns into kinetic energy because it is being used to move the ball towards the surface.

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A girl throws a ball 15 m into the air the ball has the maximum potential energy at a height of?

The ball has the highest potential energy at its maximum height (15m in the air). At the beginning, the ball has only kinetic energy and no potential energy. But as the ball travels upward, kinetic energy is converted into potential energy. When the ball changes direction, there is no kinetic energy, as all of it is now potential energy. As the ball returns back down, potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy.

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When a ball is squashed, it gains potential energy due to the compression of its material. This potential energy is stored in the form of elastic potential energy, as the ball has the potential to return to its original shape when released.

What bounces more a golf ball or a bouncy ball?

Bouncy ball

Is elastic energy useful in a bouncy ball or is it wasteful?

It is usefull because how would the ball bonce without the being elastic energy in it???

When does a bowling ball have potential energy?

A bouncing ball has the most potential energy when it is at the top portion of its bounce. Technically... A bouncy ball is at it's max. potential energy when it's still in your hand, but if you mean after it's been thrown, it's when it's at the highest point of that particular bounce.

When you throw a ball in the air when does it have the least amount of gravitational potential energy?

Whenever it is at its lowest position.

When was Bouncy ball created?

Bouncy ball was created in 1965.

What is the difference of a bouncy ball and a jet ball?

A bouncy ball is a small ball that is made soley of rubber and bounces. There are only 7 Bouncy Ball Breeds Reconized by the BBA (Bouncy Ball Association) Jet Ball is a video game.

Is a super ball a bouncy ball?

yes bouncy means super