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i guess when the engines are set to full thrust, and when the plane leaves the ground...

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Q: When is the acceleration of a planes takeoff the greatest?
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When is the acceleration during takeoff greatest at the beginning of the run along the runaway or just before the aircraft lifts into the air?

Depends on technique, power plant, type of aircraft etc.BUT just at the point of liftoff the forward acceleration is usually at a minimum.

How high are planes 2 minutes after takeoff?

Depends on the type of plane you are talking about.

For simple harmonic oscillator where is the greatest acceleration?

The acceleration is greatest at the top and bottom of the motion.

Did Galileo elimate the acceleration of a free fall using inclined planes?

No, he merely decreased the acceleration of gravity using inclined planes so it was of a value that was easily measured.

Why planes doesnt takeoff at 12PM and why?

Noise regulations in many areas prevent aircraft taking off after midnight.

Why does the sky appear to move?

The sky does not move and you must be complete looney.

What is the greatest number of planes determined by four noncolinear points?

4 planes.

What are planes that take off from water in Anchorage's Campbell Lake called?

A plane that takes off from Anchorage's Campbell Lake are called floatplanes. planes that takeoff and land on water are called floatplanes. these planes have floats on the bottom allowing them to float in the water

Which would provide the greatest gain in altitude in the shortest distance during climb after takeoff?