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The speed of a mechanical wave depends on the mechanical properties of the medium.

When the mechanical properties of the medium change, the speed of the mechanical

wave changes as a result.

The speed of an electromagnetic wave depends on the electrical properties of the medium.

When the electrical properties of the medium change, the speed of the electromagnetic

wave changes as a result.

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When waves travel from one medium to another, they encounter a change in the properties of the medium, such as density or stiffness. This change affects the speed of the waves because different mediums have different propagation speeds for the waves. The speed of the wave is determined by the medium's properties and is a result of the wave interacting with the particles or structure of that specific medium.

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Q: When waves travelling from one medium to another medium its speed changeswhy?
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Velocity of sound depends on?

The velocity of sound depends on the medium it is traveling through. In general, sound travels faster through solids, followed by liquids, and then gases. The temperature and pressure of the medium also affect the speed of sound.

When speed passes from one medium wave to another what happens?

When speed passes from one medium to another, it can change because the speed of a wave is determined by the medium's properties. If the wave enters a medium where its speed is higher, it will speed up. If it enters a medium with a lower speed, it will slow down. This change in speed can also cause the wave to refract or change direction.

What way does the light bend if it is travelling from a more to less dense medium?

The light bends away from the normal line when traveling from a more dense medium to a less dense medium. This phenomenon is known as refraction and occurs because the speed of light changes as it moves from one medium to another, causing it to change direction.

Does the speed of a wave depends on the amplitude?

No, the speed of a wave does not depend on its amplitude. The speed of a wave is determined by the medium through which it is travelling and the frequency of the wave. The amplitude of a wave is related to its energy.

What happens to a ray of light that slows down when it hits a new medium at an angle?

When a ray of light slows down as it enters a new medium at an angle, it also changes direction. This change in speed and direction is called refraction. The amount by which the light bends depends on the difference in the speed of light between the two media.

Related questions

What is the medium of speed traveling through air?

Air is the medium (if you are talking about something travelling through it).

When light rays enter a new medium at an angle what does the change in speed cause the ray to do?

The change in speed causes the light to bend. If it is travelling from an optically dencer to an optically rarer medium the ray will bend away from the normal. But if it is travelling from an optically rarer to an optically denser medium then it will bend towards the normal.

What can speed up light?

Travelling through a medium that is optically less dense. Vacuum is best.

Velocity of sound depends on?

The velocity of sound depends on the medium it is traveling through. In general, sound travels faster through solids, followed by liquids, and then gases. The temperature and pressure of the medium also affect the speed of sound.

The speed of a sound wave in air depends on?

Temperature and the medium in which it is travelling

When speed passes from one medium wave to another what happens?

When speed passes from one medium to another, it can change because the speed of a wave is determined by the medium's properties. If the wave enters a medium where its speed is higher, it will speed up. If it enters a medium with a lower speed, it will slow down. This change in speed can also cause the wave to refract or change direction.

What way does the light bend if it is travelling from a more to less dense medium?

The light bends away from the normal line when traveling from a more dense medium to a less dense medium. This phenomenon is known as refraction and occurs because the speed of light changes as it moves from one medium to another, causing it to change direction.

Does the speed of a wave depends on the amplitude?

No, the speed of a wave does not depend on its amplitude. The speed of a wave is determined by the medium through which it is travelling and the frequency of the wave. The amplitude of a wave is related to its energy.

What happens to the speed of light waves when they travel through a medium?

The speed of light in a material medium is slower than the speed of light in a vacuum. This is a consequence of the electromagnetic wave interacting with the atoms and molecules in the medium, a process merits its own question.Of course, this assumes the medium is transparent for the wavelength of light travelling through it.Light waves slow down when they pass through a medium, eg glass or water

What is the effect on the speed of light when temperatures rise in the medium?

When temperatures rise in a medium, the speed of light typically increases. This is because higher temperatures lead to greater molecular motion in the medium, which reduces the time it takes for light to interact with and pass through the material.

How does the Doppler effect measure speed?

By measuring the frequency and comparing to a known value, depending on the medium the wave is travelling in. Knowing the speed that the wave travels at, the difference in frequency directly relates to the speed of the object.

What happens to a ray of light that slows down when it hits a new medium at an angle?

When a ray of light slows down as it enters a new medium at an angle, it also changes direction. This change in speed and direction is called refraction. The amount by which the light bends depends on the difference in the speed of light between the two media.