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The Three Mile Island accident was a nuclear meltdown which occurred at the Three Mile Island power plant in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States on March 28, 1979.

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Q: Where and when did the nuclear meltdown at three mile island happen?
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The only meltdown in a nuclear reactor to ever happen in the US happen where?

Three Mile Island

When did the nuclear core meltdown at three mile island occur?

March 28, 1979

Where did a nuclear reactor explode in 1986?

It didn't explode. Three Mile Island's Nuclear Power Plant in Pennsylvania experienced an almost complete meltdown.

What was the name of the event in which a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania nearly meltdown?

Umm... I think it was the Three Mile Island accident

Why wsd three mile island important?

Three mile island was the site of the worst nuclear 'accident' in america's history. The reactor went into meltdown - releasing radioactive material into the atmosphere.

Three mile island is what?

The site of a nuclear twin reactor plant, in Pennsylvania. In 1979 one of the reactors suffered a partial fuel meltdown, which caused great concern in the nuclear industry, but in fact did not cause significant radioactivity to be released.

What would happen to you if living within 10 miles of a nuclear reactor meltdown?

That depends, the three mile island meltdown affected nobody because the containment held everything in and there were no steam or hydrogen explosions. However Chernobyl (no containment, big steam explosion) and Fukushima (containment breached by hydrogen explosions) meltdowns severely contaminated areas well beyond 10 miles distance.

What happened in Three Mile Island in the 1970s?

Three Mile Island related to an incident which occurred in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania on March 28th, 1979. On this Wednesday morning, around the time of 4am, there was a partial nuclear meltdown which released radioactive gases and radioactive iodine into the environment.

What effect did the accident at Three Mile Island have on Americans?

Just to let you know there WAS a meltdown of the reactor core, caused by incompetent operators removing cooling water then they should have been adding more! But the material from the meltdown was fully contained in the core as designed. The worst concern was the possibility of a hydrogen gas explosion (as happened in Fukushima Japan) breaching the containment building, but this was prevented.The term "complete meltdown" used above has no meaning in nuclear engineering, a meltdown is any amount of core melting. One concern with meltdowns is that there may be loss of control and a resulting increase of reactivity, but there can just as easily be a decrease of reactivity and an automatic shutdown depending on the reactor design.

If fuel rods in the reactor core of a nuclear power plant melt due to exposure to too much heat what is this known as?

It is just called fuel meltdown. It very rarely happens, and ideally it would never happen. In the US there has been only one such incident, at Three Mile Island, 1979.

What is the common name by which tmi-2 accident that started at 4 AM Wednesday March 28 2979 is known?

The Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown which occurred at the Three Mile Island power plant in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States on March 28, 1979.

What is the common name by which TMI-2 accident that started at 4 AM on Wednesday March 28 1979 is known?

The Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown which occurred at the Three Mile Island power plant in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States on March 28, 1979.