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Sinking or floating is determined by the density of the liquid and the density of the object. Density is mass/volume.

When you place an object in a liquid, a certain amount of volume is displaced by the object. If that object puts more mass into the volume displaced than what the original mass was of the liquid in that volume was, then the object will sink.

Therefore an object that is more dense than a liquid will sink.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Whether an object will float in a fluid is determined by the relative density. A less dense object will float in a fluid that is more dense. A balloon filled with air will float in carbon dioxide gas.

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12y ago

Whether an object will sink or float is determined by the object's Density. Objects that are denser than their surroundings can slip through the molecules that are around them, and they are drawn down by gravity until it hits something that is of equal or greater density than that object. For Example, Styrofoam is less dense than water, this means that it can't slip in between the water molecules underneath it. So, as a result it is forced to float on top of the water. A rock, however, is much denser than water, so it can easily slip through the water molecules until it hits the bottom of the container.

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12y ago

#1 -- the density of the particular object

#2 -- the density of the particular fluid

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12y ago

the weight of it and is it is a small area and very heavy it will sink eg. a piece of play doe witch is small but heavy will sink

something that wont sink is a crisp packet

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Q: Whether an object will sink or float in a fluid is determined by what?
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What determines whether an object will sink or float in a fuild?

The object's density relative to the fluid. If the object is denser than the fluid it will float; if it is less dense it will sink.

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Whether an object floats or not does not depend on whether it is magnetic. An object will float if it is less dense than the fluid in which it is placed.

What determines whether an object will sink or float in fluid?


How can density be use to determine whether an object will float or sink in a fluid?

When you have the density of both the object and the fluid, just see which has a higher density. If the object has a higher density than the fluid, the object will sink. If the object has a lower density than the fluid, the object will float.

Whether an object will sink or float?

To know this you first need to find the density of the object and the density of the fluid on which the the object shall be kept. If the density of the fluid is more than the object's density then the object will float. The object will sink if the reverse happens.

How can you use density to determine whether an object wil float or sink in a fluid?

If the density of the object is less than the density of the water it is placed in, the object will float and vice versa.

What would cause and object to float on fluid?

An object would float on a fluid if the density of the object was less than the density of the fluid.

How an object float in a liquid with illustration?

When the displaced fluid has a mass equal or greater than the mass of an object placed in the fluid, the object will float.

How can knowing an object's density help you predict whether the object will float or sink in a fluid?

If an object has less density than water (or whatever liquid you are considering), it will float. And if it has more density then the liguid you are considering it will sinq

How can you predict whether an object will float or sink in a fluid?

Measure the mass and volume of both to determine each's density (mass/volume). If the object is less dense; it will float, if it is mroe dense; it will sink.

An object will float if?

density of the object < density of the fluid

How will you determine if an object will sink or float?

Archimedes principle: the buoyant force on a submerged object will be equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.Basically if the object is more dense than the fluid it is put into, it will sink, if it is less dense, it will float.The density of an object and its shape and its design are important in deciding whether it will sink or float.