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A large mass raised to a great height will.

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Q: Which combiation of features will have the greatest gravitational potential energy?
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At which point does he have the most gravitational potential energy?

It isn't clear what you mean with "he", but an object's gravitational potential energy is greatest at its highest position.

What two factors influence gravitational potential energy the greatest?

Mass and position.

Which mass has the greatest gravitational potential energy with respect to the floor?

The one that is at the greatest height above the floor level.

Where does the object have the most gravitational energy?

The higher an object is placed, the larger will its gravitational potential energy be.

Would a trophy cup have greatest gravitational potential energy?

No, there are many, many other objects, more massive or at a higher location (or both) that will have greater gravitational potential energy. Furthermore, there will be objects in stronger gravitational fields - for example, near neutron stars or black holes.

Where does it have the most potential energy?

It isn't clear what you mean by "it". In the case of gravitational potential energy, it is greatest when an object is at its highest position (or when two objects are furthest apart). For other types of potential energy, the situation is different.

Which planet would have the greatest gravitational force?

The planet that has the greatest gravitational force is Jupiter.

Where does a yo - yo have its greatest potential energy?

at its highest point because potential energy is gravitational energy.

What is the formula of calculating GPE?

The correct formula for solving GPE (Gravitational Potential Energy) is as follows: ~GPE = wh ~Gravitational Potential Energy = weight of an object multiplied by height of an object ~The SI unit for this formula is *J* (Joules)

As an orange falls from it greatest height what kind of energy increase an what kind of energy decrease?

Kinetic energy increases and gravitational potential energy decreases.

What is the gravitational potential energy at the center of the earth?

Ideally, if the earth were a perfect sphere, the gravitational potential energy would be zero. In the center of a sphere all other points within the sphere have an equal and opposite counterpoint. They work to cancel each other out. However, the earth is not a perfect sphere so there would likely be a gravitational pull towards the area with the greatest mass.

When is its gravitational potential energy at maximum?

A body's potential energy is at its maximum when it is at its greatest height to which it is elevated from the ground or another chosen position, such as a table top. Refer to the related link below for more information and illustrations.