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Q: Which does not provide the energy to spin a turbine?
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How does a turbine pump electrons around a circuit?

A turbine is often used to spin the rotor of a generator. The generator converts this kinetic (energy of motion) energy into electric energy. A turbine does not directly push electrons around.

What does turbine spin?

Turbine spins due to mechanical and rotation energy being applied to them. In a wind turbine that energy comes from moving air. Hydroelectric and water mill turbines use the energy from flowing water. Fuel and natural gas can also drive the turbines that generate electricity or provide the thrust needed by aircraft to fly also.

Uses movement of water or wind to spin a turbine?

A windmill uses movement of water or wind to spin a turbine. This is a natural way to make energy and keep it for future use.

How does nuclear fission spin a turbine?

The heat energy resulting from nuclear fission is used to produce steam that spins the turbine.

How do boilers get energy from turbine?

Usually boilers provide steam to power a steam turbine. The turbine could provide electricity to run any pumps in the boiler. But boilers get their energy from a heat source.

How does the wind turbine operate?

Well wind causes the blades to spin, which cause energy. Which goes inside the turbine by wires. Then the energy passes through a generator making electricity.

Why do you use wind turbine?

Wind turbines utilize wind energy to convert it to usable electrical energy. Specifically, the kinetic energy of the air molecules spin a turbine within an electromagnetic field, the kinetic energy of the turbine is then converted to electrical energy due to the presence of the electromagnetic field.

Does heat energy make wires in a generator spin?

In a way. It is the difference between temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the steam turbine (generically, a 'heat engine') which results in the turbine spinning -this, in turn, causes the generator to spin.

How power generators work?

Giant wheels called TURBINES are used to spin the magnets inside the generator. It takes a lot of energy to spin the turbine and different kinds of power plants get that energy from different sources. In a hydroelectric station, falling water is used to spin the turbine. In nuclear and fossil-fuelled generating stations, steam is used. A wind turbine uses the force of moving air.

Is the wind energy same as wind turbine?

Wind energy is converted into electricity by spinning wind turbine. Any electric motor that is powered by electricity will generate electricity if you spin it yourself very fast.

How is wind or nuclear energy found or sourced?

I'm not sure about nuclear energy, but wind energy is created when strong winds spin a wind turbine which creates energy :)

What does a home wind turbine do?

A home wind turbine will use the power of wind to provide and generate energy. One can use a home wind turbine at home to provide electricity or heat water, for example.