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Q: Which factor has a greater overall effect of the gravitational force is it mass or distance?
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Does distance between objects effect the gravitational attraction between them?

Yes. At a greater distance, the gravitational attraction between two objects is less.

How does distance between two objects affect the way they move?

If the objects are not tied together, and if the gravitational forces between them are negligible in their current environment, then the distance between them has no effect whatsoever on their motion.

Is the greater an objects velocity the stronger the gravitational force on it?

Gravitational forces between objects depend only on their masses and the distance between them. Velocity has no effect.

Which has a greater effect on tidal forces?

The Moon has a greater effect on tides, on planet Earth, than the Sun. This is despite the fact that the gravitational attraction by the Sun is greater - the reason is that tidal forces depend on the CUBE of the distance.

What has a greater impact on gravity's strengths mass or distance?

Distance. This is because the gravitational field strength, g, is given by the equation: g = GM/R2 where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the body and r is the distance from the centre of the body to the point where g is to be determined. Since the distance is squared, its effect would be 'doubled' ; Hence, it has a greater impact on gravity.

What effect does the distance cause on the gravitational force?

since gravitational force is inversely propostional to the sq. Root of distance between them. When distance increases the gravitational force decreasses and it is vice versa.

How do mass and distance effect gravitational force?

The gravitational force is equal to mass1 x mass2 / (the square of the distance); all this must be multiplied with a constant, known as the gravitational constant.

What 2 things effect the gravitational pull of the planets?

Mass & distance.

How does mass effect the gravitational force between two objects?

The larger the mass of either object, the greater the gravitational force.

How sun got gravity?

By virtue of having mass. Anything with mass will have a gravitational effect. The more mass the greater the gravitational force.

How does distance effect gravitational force?


When the masses are doubled and separation is halved what effect do they have on the gravitational force between the masses?

The effect of dubling the massesa and halving the distance is to increase the gravitational force by a factor of 16.