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Q: Which force causes downward movement of the paper rotor?
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Which force causes the downward movement of the paper?


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When you put a piece of paper on a ruler then hit the ruler how come the paper doesnt fly into the air?

This is because of the atmospheric pressure exerting a downward force on the paper.

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What is an example that causes an object to change shape?

A force applied on a non-rigid object tends to change its shape. Example : If we apply force on a sheet of paper it will fold, hence the shape is changed.

What makes a paper banger bang?

kinetic energy created by the downward motion of your arm.

How does the mass of the piece of paper compare with the mass of the paper airplane?

The peice of paper compares to the paper airplane because they both have the same mass. Whether a paper is flat,folded in half or is shaped into a fancy paper boat it will always have the same amount of mass.

What causes the Deforestaion?

the causes of deforestation are to get paper (toilet paper kitchen roll walpaper ect.)

Is writing on a paper a frictional force or muscular force?

i am sure that it is not frictional force.....

What is the force called that moves paper clips toward a magnet without the magnet touching the paper clips?

A magnetic force.

Do two pieces of paper one crumpled the other not fall at the same rate and explain?

They do not. Since a crumbled and an uncrumbled paper has the same weight but not the same surface area they will have the same gravitational pull but the difference in surface area give them diffent air resistance. Air resistance is the force when the paper have to move the air molecules while falling. Since the unfolded paper have to move more molecules because of its bigger surface, it will move slower through the air since the papers have the same gravital pull and therefore the same amount of force moving them downward.

What is the movement of kerosene on waxed paper?

The droplets of kerosene diffuse and spread in the wax paper.