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The form of energy that is not conducted by most metals is sound because if you want to test that you would have to clank it together and it would not make a sound.

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Q: Which form of energy is not conducted by most metals?
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What form of energy is not conducted by most metals?


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Metals form cations. They loose electrons.

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most transition metals form ions with a 2+ charge.

Do metals form compounds?

they can form bounds with electrons in the outer most shells

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The alkali metals in column 1 of most wide-form periodic tables.

Are non metals cation or anion?

Non metals tend to form Anions as they gain electron(s). This occurs normally and usually naturally. There are cases where nonmetals can become Cations as well but it would take a lot of energy to take away an electron from the valence shell. (Refer to Ionization Energy)

What sort of atoms do metals combine with?

Metals combine with other metals to form alloy solutions, they can form solutions with other compounds by being dissolved in them, in most cases. As well, they form ionic bonds with nonmetals.