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A letter to a friend is NOT an example of a transfer payment.

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Q: Which is NOT an example of a transfer payment?
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What is government transfer payment?

Social Security

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We are remitted payment to you today, the balance is USD59,395.

What transfer payment that does not enter into net national payment?

subsidies, unemployment allowences, tax reduction

What is a private transfer payment?

Payment by citizens without reciprocation, i.e. donating to charity or a relief fund.

What is e-payment?

e-payment is when you make a payment online ie. bank transfer. This is usually used when buying stuff in a web shop.

What is e payment?

e-payment is when you make a payment online ie. bank transfer. This is usually used when buying stuff in a web shop.

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What is a transfer payment?

In economics, a transfer payment (or government transfer or simply transfer) is a redistribution of income in the market system. These payments are considered to be nonexhaustive because they do not directly absorb resources or create output. Examples of certain transfer payments include welfare (financial aid), social security, and government subsidies for certain businesses (firms).

What is the definition of a 'payor'?

A payment is the transfer of wealth from one party (such as a person or company) to another. A payer is the party making a payment. The payee is the party receiving the payment.

Elements of balance of payment?

Trade in goods Trade in service Imports and Transfer are the 4 main element of the balance of payment.