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One way to not accelerate an object is by trying to reduce its speed.

In physics, a change in speed or in direction is called acceleration. One way not to accelerate an object is to change its name.

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4mo ago

One way to accelerate an object is by applying a force to it.

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11y ago

To stay at the same speed, not turning

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Q: Which is not a way to accelerate an object?
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In terms of speed and direction in what way can an object accelerate?

an object can accelerate both up and down

What direction do object accelerate?

The way it starts

In What direction do object accelerate?

The way it starts

An object will accelerate in the direction of what?

An object will accelerate in the direction of the net force acting on that object.

What are the three way that an object can accelerate?

speed up slow down turn

Is it harder to accelerate a moving object?

No, it is not harder to accelerate a moving object. The initial motion of the object does not affect the force required to accelerate it further. The force required to accelerate an object depends on its mass and the desired acceleration.

A net force causes an object to?

Accelerate, motion is generated by applying force to mass.

A net force greater than zero will cause an object to?

... to accelerate.... to accelerate.... to accelerate.... to accelerate.

What are the requirements for an object to accelerate?

Velocity must be changing in order for an object to accelerate or decelerate.

Is an object's desire to not accelerate a force?

Object has not a "desire". It has tendency. It hasn't any tendency to accelerate, unless some impulse will be given to it along its way. The tendency of any object which has given it an impulse is to always slowing down if it is on a horizontal plane.

An object will accelerate in the direction of what force?

An object will accelerate in the direction of the net force acting upon it. If multiple forces are acting on the object, the net force is the vector sum of all the individual forces, and the object will accelerate in the direction of this net force.

How are objects able to accelerate?

When the forces on an object are unbalanced, the object will accelerate in the direction of the net force.