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The gravitational force is proportional to the product of the two masses involved. The product is always positive, since mass is always positive. The electrical force is proportional to the product of the two charges involved. The product can be positive or negative, since either charge can be positive or negative.

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Electromagnetic force can be either repulsive or attractive. Gravitational force can be only attractive.

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This is the case both with electrostatic forces, and with magnetism.

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Q: Which universal force can repel as well as attract?
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What force causes magnets to attract or repel one another?

The electric force will repel as well as attract. A fundamental concept regarding electrostatics is that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. We can also see that the magnetic force can attract and repel in a similar way. It's no mystery that the electromagnetic force is considered oneforce by physicists. A magnetic north pole will repel another north pole, but will attract a magnetic south pole.

What is force that is attracting or repelling?

Everything has a gravitational pull, which is proportionate to the mass of the object:The moon's gravitational pull creates waves and tides on Earth,Earth's gravitational pull keeps the moon in orbit around Earth, andthe sun's gravitational pull keeps Earth in orbit around the sun.

What would happen if magnet faced same pole?

If one magnet's North Pole faced another magnet's North Pole, the magnets would repel eachother, meaning they would push away from eachother. If you put a North and a South pole together, however, they would attract, or come together. N+N= Repel S+S= Repel N+S= Attract S+N= Attract Well. I guess opposites really DO attract...

Can rusty magnets attract other magnets like regular magnets and can they Repel also?

Well, rusty magnets do not work as well as a normal magnet. But they can work. And yes try can repel but if you use rusty magnets, it won't work as well. I hope this helped! :)

What happens when you bring two magnets together?

Well it depends if you have 2 alike sides then they repel but if different they attract

What happens when positively charged objects and brought near a negatively charged object?

well if you bring a negatively charged object near a positively charged object, they will attract each other, but if you bring two positively charged objects near each other they will repel just like the rule sais: Like Charges repel, Unlike charges attract the closer the charges, the greater force between them

Is attracted to magnet?

North poles attract south poles, and the other way around as well. Two poles of the same kind will repel eachother.

What are four universal forces?

electromagnetic force strong nuclear force weak nuclear force gravitational force

Is magnetic attracted to magnet?

North poles attract south poles, and the other way around as well. Two poles of the same kind will repel eachother.

The law of attraction and repulsion?

In physics we know that repulsion is the tendency of particles or bodies of the same electric charge or magnetic polarity to separate or repel. Attraction is the opposite, and we see bodies of the same magnetic polarity attracted to each other.

What force pulls objects together?

The force of gravity and electrostatic force both pulls things together!!! But gravity acts only on one large mass and another with small mass. Electrostatic is very powerful it can attract as well as repel. The answer is that:- Most powerful :- ELECTROSTATIC Less powerful :- Gravity

What side of the magnet repels and attracts?

well when you have two magnets that are the same direction, for example, noth and north, they repel because they are both north but when you have north and south they attract because they are different sort of like man and woman