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Short wavelengths has more energy. (X-rays Gamma rays belongs to this category.) Long wavelengths has less energy (radio waves and light belongs to this category). I hope this would be enough.

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Q: Which wavelength has more energy short or long?
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Which wavelength carries more energy short or long?

Short wavelength wave carry not energy (in proportion to their frequency.)

What wave would have more enery one with a long wavelength or a short wavelength?

Both a wave with long wavelength and a wave with short wavelength can have a lot of energy, or little energy.Specifically in the case of electromagnetic waves, a short wavelength corresponds to high energy - but this is only the energy PER PHOTON. But note that each of such waves usually consists of a lot of photons.

Does short-wavelength light carry more energy or less energy than long-wavelength light?

The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency, and the higher the energy, so X-rays carry more energy than radio waves.

Short wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation have more energy than long wavelengths?

E = hC/ λwhere h is Planck's constantc is speed of lightλ is wavelengthHence,Energy is inversely proportional to wavelengthSo short wavelength has more energy than long wavelength!!

What affects light with short wavelength more than light with long wavelength?

Scattering of light

Which transmits more energy if two waves has same amplitude and same speed but differ in wavelength?

The wave with the shorter wavelength will transmit more energy than the one with the longer wavelength if two waves have the same amplitude and same speed but differ in wavelength. The energy transmitted by the shorter wavelength will normally be four times more than the energy transmitted by the longer wavelength.

Is Long wavelength visible light have a speed that is slower than short wavelength light?

No. The speed of light is the same for long wave and short wave light. c=fw where w is the wavelength and f is the frequency. The speed c is a constant. The frequency is different for different wavelengths. High frequency for short waves and low frequency for long waves.

What do a wave with more energy have?

shorter wavelength

Does photon of 420nm contain more energy than a photon of 790nm?

Yes. Energy is inversely proportional to wavelength. Shorter wavelength = more energetic.

What does the wave length of an EM wave tell about its energy?

Longer wavelength less energy and shorter wavelength equals more energy. This is because velocity (speed)=frequency x wavelength. And te velocity of all EM waves is the speed of light. we know the expression- frequency=speed of light(c)/wavelength Energy is given by- E=h*frequency=h*c/wavelength {h=Planck's constant} so,energy is directly proportional to frequency and inversly proportional to wavelength...that is energy increases with increase in frequency and decreases with increase in wavelength. example:-red color has more wavelength and hence has less energy.

What is the energy of electromagnetic waves such as light?

Energy varies with the wavelength. The shorter the wavelength the higher the energy. Ultraviolet much more energetic than red light.

Why is radiation with shortest wavelength the most powerful?

In our Universe, EM radiation can only come in discrete chunks called "photons." The energy of each individual photon depends on the frequency of the EM radiation. Frequency depends on wavelength (or vice-versa): the shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. Thus, short wavelength photons have more energy. That's just how our Universe operates, whether or not we like it.