

Who named the k shell orbit and why?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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14y ago

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why the shells of an orbit is name as k,l,m,n

The names of the electron shells come from a fellow named Charles G. Barkla, a spectroscopist who studied the X-rays that are emitted by atoms when they are hit with high energy electrons. He noticed that atoms appeared to emit two types of X-rays. The two types of X-rays differed in energy and Barkla originally called the higher energy X-ray type A and the lower energy X-ray type B. He later renamed these two types K and L since he realized that the highest energy X-rays produced in his experiments might not be the highest energy X-ray possible. He wanted to make certain that there was room to add more discoveries without ending up with an alphabetical list of X-rays whose energies were mixed up.

As it turns out, the K type X-ray is the highest energy X-ray an atom can emit. It is produced when an electron in the innermost shell is knocked free and then recaptured. This innermost shell is now called the K-shell, after the label used for the X-ray. Barkla won the 1917 Nobel Prize for Physics for this work.

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The concept of electron shells was proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913 in his model of the atom, where electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed energy levels or shells. The letter "K" was used to denote the innermost electron shell, followed by the letters "L," "M," etc. in order of increasing distance from the nucleus. The naming convention of electron shells in an atom is based on the historical development of atomic theory and the ordering of subshells by energy level.

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What is the k-shell binding energy for rhodium?

The k-shell binding energy for rhodium, which is an element with atomic number 45, is approximately 23.44 keV.

What is energy of an electron in a particular orbit or shell?

The energy of an electron in a particular orbit or shell in an atom is quantized, meaning it can only have certain specific values. This energy is determined by the quantum number of the orbit or shell, with higher quantum numbers corresponding to higher energy levels. The energy of the electron in an orbit or shell is defined by its distance from the nucleus and is a key factor in determining the overall stability and behavior of the atom.

What is the difference between an electron shell orbital or cloud?

An electron shell refers to the specific energy level where electrons are found in an atom, while an orbital or electron cloud refers to the region around the nucleus where electrons are most likely to be found. Electron shells contain orbitals, and each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons with opposite spins.

Number of electrons that can be held in the second orbit?

The second electron shell can hold a maximum of 8 electrons. This is because the second shell can accommodate up to 8 electrons based on the formula 2n^2, where n is the shell number.

How can you tell if an element will conduct energy?

Elements that conduct energy well typically have loosely held outer electrons that can move freely in response to an electric field. These elements are typically found in the middle-left section of the periodic table, such as metals like copper and silver. Conversely, elements with tightly bound outer electrons, like nonmetals in the upper-right section of the periodic table, tend to be poor conductors of energy.

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How are energy levels named?

They are named as K , L , M , N ... . Where in K is the first shell , L is the second shell , M is the third shell , N is the fourth shell and so on.

Is the first electron shell called the L shell?

No, the first electron shell is called the K shell. Subsequent shells are named with letters in alphabetical order as they are filled, such as K, L, M, and so on.

What is the speed of electron in shell?

speed of electrons varies from shell to shell . it increases from inner orbit to outer orbit

Is it possible for there to be only one electron in the first orbit and three in the second orbit?

No, according to the Aufbau principle, the first orbit (K shell) can only hold a maximum of 2 electrons and the second orbit (L shell) can hold a maximum of 8 electrons. This is due to the way electrons fill orbitals in an atom based on their energy levels.

What is the meaning of K electron shell?

The K electron shell is the innermost electron shell in an atom. It can hold up to 2 electrons. The K shell is closest to the nucleus and has the lowest energy level.

How many electrons can occupy the k shell and L shell?

The K shell can hold up to 2 electrons, while the L shell can hold up to 8 electrons. This is based on the maximum number of electrons each shell can accommodate according to the electron shell configuration rule.

What is structure of electron shells?

Electron shells are energy levels where electrons are found around the nucleus of an atom. They are organized in discrete orbitals with increasing energy levels, typically labeled as K, L, M, and so on. Electrons fill these shells starting with the innermost shell (K) before moving to the outer shells.

What is the first shell closest to the nucleus?

The K shell is first shell closest to the nucleus.

Why k shell have 2 electron in its shells?

k shell has two electrons because in the structure of an atom every shell has an capacity to have fixed number of electrons that why k shell has capacity to have 2 electrons.

When was Mary K. Shell born?

Mary K. Shell was born on 1927-02-09.

What valance shell does hydrogen belong to?

K shell.

What is the outside shell of an atom?

A shell of an atom is meant to contain or hold an electron floating around the nucleus. They don't actually cover the whole atom. They're rings made of the electrons that float in orbit around the atom.but the answer is electron paths