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because door magnets are stronger than metal thumbtacks

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Q: Why are strong magnets attracted to a door magnet in a bowl of water then three metal thumbtacks?
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Can strong magnets harm people?

No, a magnet is a it. Someone has to do something with it to harm people. Otherwise, really strong magnets shouldn't be around large objects that are attracted by magnetism. So its the matter the fact what you do with it.

Why is a nail attracted to a magnet?

The nail is made of non-polarized iron. and doesn't repel either side of a magnet. A magnet has two poles and will repel another magnet with the same pole (north repels north, south repels south). Since the nail doesn't have a poles it doesn't repel either side.

Why do strong magnets attract both poles of weaker magnets?

coz if you try to attract a weak and a weak side it wont stick. same with the strong and strong side. But if you put a strong side next to a weak side it will attach. When a strong magnet is brought nearby the domains line up more closely with the magnetic field. The result of this reorientation is an overall magnetization of the weaker magnet.

How can a non magnetic nail be magnetised?

Typically you can magnetize iron or steel by exposing it to a strong magnetic field. Common "ceramic" magnets may not be strong enough, but you may need a strong rare earth magnet or a strong electro magnet.

Natural Magnets and Artificial magnets?

No.The "only" magnets of any use readily available in nature is lodestones.These are not very strong, but it does depend on their quality and size of course.We can these days manufacture many different magnets for various purposes. Most of the man made magnets are stronger than what nature has to offer if we measure performance versus weight.An artificial magnet today (or an array of them, but still easy to lift for a strong man) can easily lift many tons of iron.

Related questions

Does magnet attract copper coin?

Yes, copper is a type of magnet. not very strong if its a coin but strong enough to be attracted to another metal e.g: oid LOL or iron. you can make a magnet by stroking iron! proper fascinating.

Can strong magnets harm people?

No, a magnet is a it. Someone has to do something with it to harm people. Otherwise, really strong magnets shouldn't be around large objects that are attracted by magnetism. So its the matter the fact what you do with it.

How strong are magnets?

depends on the size of the magnet

Why do magnets get attracted to metal and why are magnets attractive in the first place?

Besides seeing what effect a strong magnet has on different metals, ... heavy mineral found in the displays, shown at the left in the first photo. .... Take a strong rare-earth magnet and place it into an inside-out zip-lock bag. ... Do you now have a fairly extensive list of things magnets can and cannot attract?

Are rusty magnets as strong as magnets that are not rusty?

The Rust affects the magnet. The magnetic energy won't work as well cause it has to work thru the rust. So no, rusty magnets are not as strong as a nonrusty magnet

What are strong magnets used for?

A magnet is used to attract metallic objects by drawing them towards the magnet. Strong magnets can be used for jobs such as the disposal of cars and other industrial uses.

How can you tell if a metal is a magnetic?

If you have a magnet, you can see if the magnet is attracted to the material in question.A diamagnetic substance can be identified by weak repulsion in the presence of a magnetic field.A non magnetic substance has no effect in the presence of a magnetic field provided the field is weak.Because if the field is strong enough the tiny electronic magnets may get rearranged so as to have an effect.

Do magnets attract through liquid?

yes a strong magnet can do

What substance that is slightly attracted by strong magnets?

Paramagnetic substance

What are 3 properties of magnets?

1. Magnets Attract or Repel Depending on the poles facing each other. 2. Its magnestism or magnetic field decrease if it is broken in half. 3. Magnetic Field is stronger near the poles than in the centres.

Why is a steel attracted to a magnet?

Magnets are just certain minerals that create a strong magnetic field. Everything in the universe, down to our atoms, creates a magnetic field (which is why you can't walk through walls, even though the atoms in you are relatively far apart from one another). Some metals (such as iron) have a magnetic field that is attracted to the field from a magnet. So, the two objects, if given the opportunity, will try to go nearer to each other.

How can you magnetize a nail?

A nail can be magnetized by being hit with a magnet 50 or so times, alternately, if a nail or other piece of metal which is attracted to magnets (these metals are called ferromagnetic by scientists) is left near a strong magnet for a long period of time (a few days to a few years depending on how strong the magnet is) it will become magnetic.