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The reason why is the vocal cords in some people are tighter than other peoples.

The tighter the vocal cords, the higer the voice. The loser the voice cords, the deeper the voice. During puberty, the vocal cords tighten and losen due to hormonal changes in the body, causing a boys voice to go higer and lower. The same change happens to girls, but doesn't notice that much as it only tightens or loosens a little bit. This change normally corrects its self somewhere in the next 5 years, althoughyour voice may change pitch a little bit! If you are still confused, then think of the vocal cords like a piano!

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The two people singing have a different natural pitch.

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Q: Why do people sound different when they are singing the same pitch?
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What is the difference between two sounds of the same pitch?

Two sounds of the same pitch may be different in sound quality or in tone. For instance, Miley Cyrus and Eminem might be singing in similar pitch, but their voices will be noticeably different.

What does it mean to sound harmonic?

you sound like people are singing with you

Why do people sound the same when they sing?

We don't actually all sound the same, we do sound different. But if you mean that we sound the same if we sing in tune or pitch.

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It is called falsetto. That is cause it is not the normal singing voice.

What is harmonization?

Harmony is the acoustic phenomenon that sounds which have a certain definable pitch (musical sounds) tend to reinforce sounds with other different pitches. In its simplest form a man singing a song and a woman singing along with him are usually singing at different pitches, but the frequency of the woman's voice is twice that of the man's. Because their voice pitches are related by this simple mathematical relationship, they blend and reinforce each other--so much so that they probably do not realize that they are in fact singing different notes. If the woman sings at pitches one-and-a-half times that of the man, the result is a sound we associate with monks singing in Gregorian chant. The voices still support and reinforce each others' sound, but in a different way. If one woman is singing at one-and-a-half times the pitch of the man and another at twice the pitch, all three voices reinforce each other. Add another woman singing at a pitch two-and-a-half times the man's pitch and the result is spectacular! Combining different pitches in this way so as to reinforce each other is called "harmonizing" and the result is harmony, whether using voices or Musical Instruments. That's the literal meaning. Figuratively, organizing any group of people or things so that their actions reinforce and support each other is often called "harmonizing".

How can people tell that people are singing out there nose?

They make a snorting sound

Why do all black people have a good singing voice?

not all of them do. but for the people who do, i dont really do. i guess we sound differently and more soulful than different races.

How is singing related to physics?

Singing is a sound, which is studied in Physics.Singing uses a diatonic or a chromatic scale which we think pleasant, but other folk with different cultures have different ideas about the beauty of singing. So that part of singing is not physics - it is culture.

Why do people sound good singing in the shower?

because you cant hear there

Selena Gomez learn how to sing so good?

she has a trainer/teacher that tuitors her on singing... pitch, intonation, and how to sound beautiful ;)

What is sound and pitch?

When a person talks or something crashes it forms a sound. There is sound all over the world. Sound can vary in two different ways. The pitch (not the pitch as in football pitch) of a sound and the volume of a sound. Pitch is how high or how low a sound is. A high pitched sound is like when a child talks. A low pitched sound is like when an adult talks Volume is the term for how strong or how soft a sound is. If the sound is strong then it is loud. But when the sound is soft then the sound is quiet.

Why different instrument sound different when they play a note with the same frequency?

Because the sound of an instrument is different but the actual pitch for the instruments are the same.