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These days, after 50 years of nuclear power, it is pretty routine, the scientific input is not much. Scientists are still involved in experimenting with different types of reactor and with nuclear fusion, to some extent with extending the life of plants and fuel used in them, and with waste from spent fuel.

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Q: Why do scientist use uranium to produce nuclear energy?
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What type of energy is uranium used to produce?

Nuclear energy via radiation.

Do nuclear power plants use uranium to produce energy?

Yes, uranium is the most important nuclear fuel now.

What is Uranium energy used for?

Uranium is used as nuclear fuel in nuclear reactors.

Why did so many scientist study uranium?

Because uranium is an important source of energy. Also uranium is the explosive in many nuclear weapons.

What are the top two elements used to produce nuclear energy?

Uranium and plutonium

Can uranium be used instead of electricity?

Uranium is used in nuclear power reactors to produce electricity or thermal energy.

Why is uranium so special?

The nuclear fission of uranium-235 release a huge amount of energy.This energy can be used in nuclear reactors to produce electricity/heat or in nuclear weapons.

What element is used as the source of nuclear power?

Most commonly used material to produce nuclear energy in Uranium.

How is uranium used in a power plant?

Yes, they import it and put it in the reactor core where rods slow down the energy given off then it turns a generator which creates power

What does Nuclear energy use?

Nuclear energy as applied to power plants uses uranium, which can be made to produce a chain reaction in which atoms of uranium are constantly splitting and releasing energy in the form of heat. The heat is then used to produce electricity through a steam turbine/generator.

What uses does coal have?

the uranium is a radioactive mineral that is used as a nuclear fuel to produce electric energy

What type of energy requires a uranium and a reactor?

Nuclear energy, because uranium is a nuclear fuel for nuclear power reactors.