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Because it rolls along the ground

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Q: Why do you think goosegrass travel further?
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Why would you be unlikely to succeed if you tried to breed a new species of plant by crossing a dandelion with a goosegrass?

The adaptations of them are completely have thick tapered roots where as goosegrass roots are thin and long

What is a choke on a gun?

Think of it as a funnel that brings the shots of a shotgun together to travel further in a denser pattern

Which do you think will travel further on the wind grains or wheat or the chaff?

Thousands of years of experimentation has determined: the chaff.

How has space travel change since the sputnik was launched?

They think they got away to go into the further but not the past.

Does sound travel further through solids or liquids?

Both but i would think that it would go through solids more

Why does light travel further along power lines?

Light does not travel further along power lines. What phenomenon are you describing?

How does a goosegrass help the seeds to be scattered away from the parent plant?

Most love grass are dispersed by animals. Some may be dispersed by wind or by gravity.(But for those who are primary students,dispersal by animals would be the best answer.)

In what conditions will a baseball travel further?

A vacuum.

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Is further an adjective?

The word further can be used as either an adjective or an adverb. As an adjective: the book is about the further adventures of Bill and Ted. As an adverb: you need to travel further.

Can a helicopter travel farther than airplane?

Most airplanes can travel further than helicopters.