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Alpha radiation consists of physical particles ... helium nuclei ...with relatively

low energy. Beta radiation consists of a stream of electrons ... much smaller

than alpha particles. Gamma rays are electromagnetic ... the electromagnetic

rays with the highest frequency, the shortest wavelength, and the greatest


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11y ago

Are relatively large. They are Helium nuclei [Helium atoms stripped of their electrons] As a result they interact often with the matter they pass through often and their energy is rapidly dissipated.

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13y ago

relatively large size and double positive charge

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Q: Why is alpha radiation are easiest to stop?
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What type of radiation is easiest to shield?

Alpha radiation

Which type of radiation is easiest to shield?

The type of radiation that is easiest to shield are alpha particles. They are also the least harmful. Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus.

What can be blocked with a sheet of paper?

A lot of things, but I think you might be referring to which form of radiation since this is the classic answer as to what would stop Alpha radiation. Furthermore tinfoil would stop alpha and beta radiation and lead would stop alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

What is a good stopper of ionizing radiation?

If by ionising radiation you mean alpha radiation (the most ionising out of alpha, beta and gamma radiation) then about a millimetre of paper would stop it. alpha radiation ionises the molecules of anything it reaches, but can pass through very few things due to its immense ionising power. This includes human tissue, but in all honesty, a large dose of alpha radiation wouldn't do human tissue alot of good. In short, almost any material can stop ionising radiation.

Is alpha radiation a ionization radiation?

Yes, alpha radiation is an ionizing radiation.

What material could possibly stop alpha gamma and beta radiation?

paper and flesh

Alpha is it ionizing?

Yes, alpha radiation is an ionizing radiation.

Why is the nuclear reactor surrounded by a thick concrete layer?

To stop radiation leaking out. Alpha and Beta types of radiation will be stopped by the concrete

What is the radiation type for alpha?

Alpha (and beta) radiation is "particle radiation" Gamma is electro-magnetic radiation.

Why is alpha radiation so deadly to humans?

It is only deadly if ingested. The skin will stop alpha radiation. It does not have much penetrating power. When inside the body it can cause cellular damage which can lead to cancer.

What radioactive emission is easiest to absorb?

Alpha radiation is the easiest to shield, only requiring a few inches of air or a sheet of paper. This is because alpha has a mass of four amu and a charge of +2, making it interact with nearly everything.

Is alpha decay the same as alpha radiation?

No. Decay is the process, radiation is the product.