

Why is gravity the weakest force?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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13y ago

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It's true that gravity is comparatively weak. But it makes up for its weakness by extending its influence out infinitely far. The gravity weakens the farther you get from an object, but theoretically, you can continue to calculate the gravitational force no matter how far you are from the object you are considering.

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2mo ago

Gravity is the weakest force compared to the other fundamental forces (electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear) because it has a very low coupling constant, which means that gravity has a very small effect on a small scale like particles or atoms. Additionally, gravity only acts at long distances, while the other forces can act over short distances, making them much stronger in those scenarios.

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13y ago

It is the weakest force because it is felt only when there are huge difference in the masses of the given bodies.

e.g Sun(huge mass)

Earth(large mass)

we(negligible mass compared to these masses)

According to Newton,there is a force existing which attracts one body towards another body but it is not felt because it is negligible.This force is gravitational force as it is not felt it is weakest force.

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15y ago

As explained by string theory, gravity is caused by gravitons. Gravitons are able to freely pass through the 8 dimensions so it is diffused by a factor of 8. You feel only 1/8 of gravity's real power so it appears to be weaker than the of universal forces.

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13y ago

Because both the Earth and the moon are

electrically neutral.

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12y ago

because they are electrically neutral.

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Yes, gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces in the universe. It is much weaker than the electromagnetic force and the strong and weak nuclear forces.

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Gravity. Even though we notice the effect of gravity every day it is the weakest of the fundamental forces. However you could argue that the strong nuclear force is the weakest acting between these two bodies, because they are too far away from each other for this force to act.

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