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To explain this, you will need to keep in mind a mathematical formula:

Force applied on bungee jumper = mass of bungee jumper x (initial speed - final speed) / time taken for change in momentum

F = m x (vi - vf) / t

Let's say the bungee jumper was falling at an initial speed of vi. If he was to be halted, the final speed, vf = 0. If he was halted very suddenly, i.e. in a short time, the value of Force applied on the bungee jumper would be very large, which would be dangerous.

Now if he was to be halted gradually over a longer period of time, the value of the force applied on him would be smaller, slowly decelerating him until rest.

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Q: Why is it important that a bungee jumper be brought to a halt gradually?
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What three forces are acting on the bungee jumper?

Gravity, Friction and Mass

Can bungee jumping have gravitational potential energy and how?

Yes, potential energy is an energy something has because of its position in a gravitation field. Thus the jumper standing on the bridge before the jump has gravitational potential energy. When the jumper jumps the gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (the energy something has because of it motion) an is also stored in the rubber band as elastic strain energy. When the energy stored in the rubber band exceeds the kinetic energy the jumper halts and bounces back and the energy in the rubber is re converted into potential energy. The jumper oscillates on the rubber rope until the energy loss due to friction and wind resistance uses up the potential energy present in the system at the start of the jump and the jumper hangs still from the rope.

What does the friction of air do to parachute jumper or a pendulum?

It makes the parachute, jumper,and a pendulum to decrease speed.

Can anything ever have a downward acceleration greater than g?

Yes, objects can accelerate at a rate greater than "g". Most objects, when falling in the absense of air resisitance, accelerate at a uniform rate of -9.81 m/s^2 (this is under ideal conditions on Earth). Air resistance tends to decrease that acceleration. The classic example of greater than "g" acceleration is a bungee jumper.

How do you call the person who jumps from a plane?

A parachutist or parachute jumper voluntarily jumps from a plane. A non-voluntary jumper would be a victim of foul play.

Related questions

Why does a bungee jumper fall?


Who is the best bungee jumper?

AJ Jackett

What do you call a bungee jumper who is a thief?

a rubber bandit

What is the Most common reasons for bungee jumping injuries or deaths?

Jumper error. 99% of the time the reason the jumper dies or is injured is because they, the jumper caused a equipment failure or a misscalcualtion if it is a self bungee jump.

A bungee cord begins to exert an upward force on a falinig bungee jumper?

Gravity, rope, and friction

What three forces are acting on the bungee jumper?

Gravity, Friction and Mass

How does a bungee chord help people?

Well, it depends on what you mean. If you mean when they bungee jump, then it helps them not fall and it stretches to a distance there it will pull the bungee jumper up or to a certain height.

What do one have to do to become a bungee jumper?

One should thoroughly research the equipment, safety measures and physical requirements involved before becoming a bungee jumper. Taking classes is recommended to avoid possible tragic consequences of being untrained.

What is the cost of bungee jumping equipment?

Bungee jumping equipment would cost about one hundred dollars, depending on how intense you want to bungee jump. If you are a casual jumper, then it should cost about one hundred us dollars.

How old is the oldest person to have bungee jumped?

The oldest bungee jumper that I have seen documented, is Mohr Keel, who jumped at age 96, from the Bloukrans Bridge in South Africa. I have seen a claim on a bungee site, saying that the oldest bungee jumper was age 100, but I can only vouch for the 96 year old. You can see his jump at the following link: Best%20U%20Tube%20video%20links/The%20Worlds%20Oldest%20Bungy%20Jumper%20-%20CNN%20iReport.webarchive

Why would a smooth rock fall faster than a bungee jumper?

smooth rocks create less friction on air.

Why is weight of a bungee jumper important in calculations for the length of the bungee rope?

A little, but not so that it matters. It'd depend on whether you'll want to ignore wind resistance or not. If they were jumping in a vacuum then weight wouldn't matter at all, but if you'd have one thin guy in fluffy clothes and a heavy guy in a skin tight slick suit, then the heavy guy would fall faster. For any combination of reasonable circumstances the difference would be too small to matter. and blah blah blah