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A scale is necessary

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Q: Why is it necessary to consider the mass of the scale pan?
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Why it is necessary to consider the mass of the scale pan?

gjtfgjhtgkty hjnfgvjfgytjhvbc fgruyhserghdvcb

What can you use to measure the mass of two objects?

This comparison is very simple: measure the mass with a balance.

A device that works by comparing the mass of an object known a mass called a?

A Balance scale A double pan scale

What is the device comparing the mass of an object to a known mass?

The device used for comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is a double pan balance, or a balance scale. This is a type of weighing scale where you put weights on one pan and the substance you are weighing on the other.

What instrument measures the mass of a rock?

You use a triple-beam scale to measure mass.

What is used to measure a mass of a piece of stone?

To measure the mass of a stone a top pan balance is used

If you were to ignore water in the pan of the scale while measuring the mass of a mineral what would be the effect on your density calulation?

The mass of the sample would be over-estimated, so the quantity (mass)/(volume) would be over-calculated.

A device used to compare mass of an object to a known mass?

A double pan balance... A balance scale... Remember how the dusty 49'r cashed in his gold at the Well's Fargo in 1850?

How do you read a balance scale?

There are a couple different types of balance scales. For a triple beam balance, balance the scale, place item in the pan, move the sliders starting with the largest, adjust weight to zero, and add the riders for the total weight. For a one-pan scale, place item in one pan, estimate, place mass on free end until even, then add the masses for the total weight.

What is a pan balance made out of?

A pan balance is made out of two pans, two chains depending on how long youwant them, a piece of metal depending on how long you want it to be and twopieces of wood to make the stand for the scale.

What is the difference pan scale balance scale?

balance scale balance things. oan scale dosent

Why is it necessary to clean up any spilled chemicals on and around the balance pan after use?

because spill particles have a small mass and if they are on a balance they can cause error in the mass of the object being measured