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water transfers heat much more quickly than air does.

its same reason that 50F water feels MUCH colder than 50F air

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2mo ago

Sitting in a hot tub at 100F feels hotter than standing outside on a 100F day because the water conducts heat more effectively than air. This means the heat from the hot tub water transfers to your body more efficiently, making it feel hotter. In addition, the hot tub usually surrounds you on all sides, enclosing the heat and making it feel more intense compared to standing outside where the air can circulate around you.

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When heat flows from the object to your body it appears?

The object feels warm to the touch as heat transfers from the object to your body, making it feel hotter.

What is heat and why do some thing things feel hotter than others?

Heat is a form of energy that causes molecules to move faster, increasing their temperature. Some things feel hotter than others due to differences in thermal conductivity - how well they conduct heat. Materials with high thermal conductivity, like metals, transfer heat quickly and feel hotter to the touch compared to materials with low thermal conductivity, like wood or plastics.

Why does a marble floor feel hotter in summer than a carpeted floor?

Marble floor feels hotter in summer than a carpeted floor because marble has lower thermal insulation properties than carpet. This means that marble absorbs and retains heat more readily, making it feel hotter to the touch in warm weather. Carpet, on the other hand, acts as a better insulator, keeping the floor surface cooler.

A marble floor feels hotter in summer than a carpeted floor why?

Marble is a good conductor of heat, so it absorbs heat and becomes warmer quickly. Additionally, marbles typically have lower insulation properties compared to carpets, which helps to retain heat. This leads to the marble floor feeling hotter in summer than a carpeted floor.

What general statement can be made about the realatoimship between how hot or cold an object feels and the motion of the particles?

The perceived temperature of an object is related to the average kinetic energy of its particles. When particles have higher kinetic energy, they move faster and the object feels hotter. Conversely, objects with lower kinetic energy particles feel colder.

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Yes. Ex: It is (blank) outside. (Blank) being the adjective to describe how it feels outside. So: it is cold outside.

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