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its pain full


You can burn your retinas and cause blindness.

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Leonora Medhurst

Lvl 13
1y ago
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11y ago

It's too bright for our eyes. You can burn out your retina and blind yourself.
The Sun is very bright and by focussing the light onto the back of your eye (the retina) with or without a telescope, you are putting a lot of energy (both optical light and infra-red) onto a tiny area. At some point in your life you may have tried to set paper on fire using a magnifying glass, so just think about that being done to the back of your eye. It isn't nice. Even more scarily is the fact that the retina of your eye does not have pain receptors, so you will not even feel the damage being done. It may not even become apparent until later.
It will hurt your eyes! In addition, I think it also may potentially cause you to go blind. The rays are too harmful for our eyes' sensitivity.
Because looking directly into the sun, can damage your eyes permanently.

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1mo ago

Looking through a lens at the sun can focus its intense light onto your eyes, potentially causing damage to the retina. This can result in a condition called solar retinopathy, which can lead to permanent vision loss. It is important to never look directly at the sun, even through a lens or camera.

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15y ago

You could easily lose your sight (go blind) from the concentrated light being reflected back to earth. You only get one pair of eyes ... once their gone, that's the end of your sight ... forever!!

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10y ago

It is dangerous to look a the sun using convex lenses because:

When sunrays hit the lens, the focus increases, as does the heat coming from the rays. The excess heat is suffecient to damage our eye tissues if our eye is the focus of the lens and we may loose our vision. The heat can also burn a piece of fabric of paper.

By: Anoushka Thakur

Grade 7

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12y ago

because it is too bright for your eyes and could eventually blind you.

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13y ago

It is harmful to look at the sun with you bare eyes because it will damge them...............................

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Q: Why it is dangerous to look through a lens at the sun?
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Why should you not look at the sun through a convex lens?

Focused sunlight is very strong, and can set fire to paper, as well as destroying your vision if you were so foolish as to look at the sun through a convex lens. Even without the use of a lens, it is not safe to look directly at the sun.

What type of lens can focus the suns rays?

A converging lens, specifically a convex lens, can focus the sun's rays to a single point called the focal point. This can produce intense heat, known as a solar focus, which can be used for various applications such as solar cooking or solar power generation.

How would you find the focal length of lens?

The focal length of a lens can be found by either locating the point at which a parallel beam of light converges using the lens (for converging lens) or by locating the point from which a parallel beam of light appears to diverge after passing through the lens (for diverging lens). The distance between this point and the lens is the focal length.

What is a source of diverging light rays?

A concave lens can cause diverging light rays. The lens is thinner at the center than at the edges, causing light rays passing through it to spread out.

Can a concave lens start a fire with the aid of the sun?

No, a concave lens cannot start a fire with the aid of the sun. Concave lenses cause light rays to diverge, which would spread the sunlight out rather than concentrate it to create enough heat to start a fire. For starting a fire with a lens, a convex lens or a magnifying glass is usually used to focus sunlight to a point.

Related questions

Why should you not look at the sun through the convex lens?

Focused sunlight is very strong, and can set fire to paper, as well as destroying your vision if you were so foolish as to look at the sun through a convex lens. Even without the use of a lens, it is not safe to look directly at the sun.

Why should you not look at the sun through a convex lens?

Focused sunlight is very strong, and can set fire to paper, as well as destroying your vision if you were so foolish as to look at the sun through a convex lens. Even without the use of a lens, it is not safe to look directly at the sun.

Why do a mermaid look at the sun for?

Mermadids do not exist and it is dangerous to look at the sun.

Is it dangerous to look into the setting sun?

It's dangerous to look at the sun under anycircumstances. The brightness of the sun can cause temporary or even permanent blindness if you look at it long enough ! If you want to view the sun, pierce a tiny hole in a large piece of (preferably black) card. Hold the card so that the sun shines through the hole onto a wall, and view the image there.

What do you use to look at the sun?

Use binoculars/telescope & a card to look at the Sun. Point the binoculars at the Sun, then put the card behind the one lens of the binocular while the other is covered.

Safe ways to look at the sun?

The safest way to look at the sun is by using solar viewing glasses that are certified to block harmful UV and infrared radiation. Another option is to use solar filters on a telescope or camera lens to safely view the sun. Never look directly at the sun with the naked eye or through unfiltered lenses, as this can cause permanent damage to your eyes.

What does mama say is dangerous in the book A Raisin in the Sun?

She says it is dangerous "when a man goes outside his home to look for peace."

Why is it dangerous to look at a solar eclipse with your unprotected eye?

The sun emits such intense light that it can damage your eyes if you look directly at it.

What is the circle of light around the moon or sun?

The circle of light around the moon or sun is called a halo. Halos are optical phenomena caused by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light through ice crystals in the atmosphere. Different types of halos can form, such as 22-degree halos, sundogs, and circumzenithal arcs.

Why it is dangerous to look directly at the sun even if you are wearing sunglasses?

Because the sun is so intense that sunglasses don't offer enough protection

What is the safest way to view the eclispe?

Either use glasses with a heavily tinted lens MADE for solar viewing, or make a pinhole camera. Use a straight pin to make a small hole in a sheet of cardboard. Let light shine though the hole onto a sheet of paper about a foot away. Look at the paper, and you will see an image of the sun. Do NOT try to look through the hole at the sun. Stand with your back to the sun.

How can you look directly at the sun safely?

Through a welders mask