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Because the outer shells are very close to the nucleus and the number of electrons in the outer shells are between 4-8. Therefore, they are not freed from the nucleus easily rather they look for some more electrons to fill its outer shell which is technically called as covalent bond.

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Q: Why nonmetals do not have free electrons which conduct electrical energy?
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How are the outer energy levels of nonmetals different from metals?

Nonmetals almost have a full outer energy level while metals have few electrons in their outer energy level.

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Metal. Also liquids with dissolved ions. Anything that allows electrons to flow will conduct electricity.

The movement of electrons is what energy?

Electrical energy

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Do metals or nonmetals tend to gain electrons more easily?

nonmetals are located in the right side of the periodic table. The Ionization energy(the amount of energy used to remove an electron) tends to increase from left to right across a period.It is difficult to remove the electrons from the right side because they are becoming stable

What are nonmetals sometimes called because they do not conduct heat and electricity well?

bad conducters or poor conduct of heat and light energy

The movement of electrons is what kind of energy?

Electrical energy

What is energy associated with movement of electrons?

Electrical energy

Why do you need a metal inside a wire?

Metals conduct electricity, because their atoms have a "sea" of "delocalised" electrons which pass on electrical energy from one atom to another.

How is electrical and nuclear energy related?

Electrical energy is the energy generally stored in electrons and their movement. Nuclear energy is the energy stored with an atom. Electrons are a fundamental part of most atoms, thus nuclear energy also contains direct electrical energy.

What form of energy is carried by electrons in circuits?

Electrical energy