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If two people are standing next to each other, and illuminated by a light source, think of this as a triangle. Imagine a line from the light source to person A, and then continuing on. This person will block some of the light and that is the shadow that is cast (along this straight line). Imagine a line from the light source to Person B, and continue that on. This person's shadow will be cast along the line from the light source to him, and continuing on. Since the two lines intersect at the light source, then they are not parallel lines.

The farther away the light source is from the two people (relative to their distance from each other) the angle between the lines will decrease, so that they may seem to be almost parallel at some point. The Sun is essentially far enough away that you'd have a difficult time seeing the difference.

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Q: Why shadows from one source of light not parallel?
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Is there two shadows if there are two light source?

Depends on the position of the light source. If the light source is in a straight line, there will be 2 shadows, one is the object and the second will be the first light souce, if lets say the object is place in the center, and one light source is place in the north direction and one in the south, there will be 2 shadow at diffrent location.

When will an object cast 2 shadows?

Yes, it can. A shadow is caused by the interruption of light from a single source. If you have more than one light source, you can have more than one shadow. Some shadows may not be as distinct (diffused light, shadow on brightly lit surfaces, etc.), and multiple shadows will practically always overlap to some extent.

Why are all shadows black?

Because a shadow is where light does not reach, and black is the absence of light. Where there is more than one light source, a shadow may occasionally appear a different colour.

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The reason why shadows only go on one corner is because the light source is not focused on that specific spot (light rays do not touch that part of the eye).

How do you make a darker shadow?

The number of shadows that one person casts depends upon the number of light sources shining on the person. If one light source hits the person, they will have one shadow. If there are two light sources, then the person will have two distinct shadows, as well as places where the two shadows overlap. The will continue.

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a parallel bulb is one that is connected in parallel with respect to the source voltage

When are shadows form?

When there is more than one source of illumination.

When are multiple shadows formed?

When there is more than one source of illumination.

How are light rays coming from a point source of light different then larger source?

From a point source, the light spreads out in all directions and adjacent light waves diverge from one another. From a larger source, it appears more like the light waves are moving parallel to each other, with little divergence. It's a relative thing. From the perspective of Earth, the Sun's rays are all parallel to each other because the Sun is huge and also because we are so far away from it. So the key differences are: 1. Small, point like source. 2. Being close to the source. Combinations of 1 and 2 above produce more divergent rays. Either of 1 and 2 below (or a combination of the two) will produce more parallel rays that don't diverge much. 1. Large light source 2. You're far away from the source.

If there is only one light source on the moon how could the shadows face different ways?

The same way it happens on Earth-- if you go outside you should see plenty of examples. It is an optical illusion, basically, caused by uneven ground, holes, the angles from which you see the shadows (perspective). If you could somehow hover up above it all, you would see the shadows as parallel to one another. Some people like to pretend this isn't true and that shadows from different angles are proof of multiple lights, like those in a movie studio. But multiple light sources mean multiple shadows... there are NO Apollo pictures like that. And no one has ever devised a single studio light that can simulate sunlight well enough to have faked the Apollo footage and pics. While we are on the subject, while the Sun is that primary and overpowering source of light, there is still a bit of light reflecting off the Earth, much larger in the sky than the Moon is to us. It doesn't seem to be bright enough to cast multiple shadows, though. Also to be considered are reflected light from the spacesuits, LM, gear, and above all else, the lunar soil. The light reflecting from the lunar soil bounces upward, illuminating things like the LM's dark side, as well as the astronauts. The reason that rock shadows are so dark is that lunar soil cannot bounce light sideways very much, to illuminate itself in the rock shadows. I am posting some links to sites that will help you understand the things the lunar hoax believers don't understand. Hope this helps.

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